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品名(英)Portrait of the Artist's Daughter Agata Dolci
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Carlo Dolci【1616 至 1687】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1676 - 公元 1680
尺寸10 3/16 x 7 15/16英寸 (25.8 x 20.2厘米)
介绍(中)早期的巴洛克制图员改进了红黑粉笔画,以在肖像和人物研究中实现精致,自然主义和色彩效果:佛罗伦萨画家和绘图员Carlo Dolci是这种技术的非凡实践者。红色和黑色粉笔的组合使用被佛罗伦萨十七世纪的艺术家完善,并在下个世纪经常被弗朗索瓦·鲍彻(1703-1770)等艺术家在意大利和法国使用,他们很可能拥有这幅画。多尔奇描述了肖像周围的八边形,暗示这幅画可能是为这种形状的画作做准备的。大都会艺术博物馆的这幅画似乎可以追溯到艺术家生命的最后几年,当时他被关在家里,在反复的忧郁症之后几乎没有画画。阿加塔是多尔奇七个女儿中最小的一个,可能和她更着名的姐姐阿格尼斯·多尔奇(Agnese Dolci,1689年去世)一样是一位艺术家。

这幅精美的肖像的日期可以通过几条线索来确定。阿加塔在 1685 年 5 月 23 日父亲的遗嘱中仍然被记录为一个年轻女孩("fanciulla piccola")(佛罗伦萨,公证档案馆,第 20596 号,第 3302/37 页),她之前在四岁时被多尔奇描绘在 1667-70 年间现在在剑桥的一幅画上(菲茨威廉博物馆第 904*3 页,第 4 页,刻有"阿加塔·迪·安尼 4")。在大都会博物馆的画作上,女孩似乎年龄较大,大约十岁,因此暗示处决日期约为 1676-80 年。阿加塔在这里穿着正式,戴着珊瑚项链,这是一个象征。根据大卫·斯克拉斯(David Scrase)(菲茨威廉博物馆的意大利绘画,剑桥2011年,第222页)的进一步肖像可以在多尔奇在现在洛杉矶的纸张上绘制的年轻女孩中识别出阿加塔的进一步肖像(J. Paul Getty博物馆,inv. 83.GB.374)。

介绍(英)Early Baroque draftsmen refined red-and-black chalk drawing to achieve exquisite, naturalistic, and chromatic effects in portraits and figure studies: the Florentine painter and draftsman Carlo Dolci was an extraordinary practitioner of this technique. The combined use of red and black chalk was perfected by Florentine seventeenth-century artists and frequently employed in Italy and France in the next century by artists such as François Boucher (1703-1770), who may well have owned this drawing. Dolci described an octagon around the portrait, suggesting that the drawing may have been preparatory for a painting in that shape.The drawing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art appears to date from the last years of the artist's life, when he was housebound and barely painting after repeated bouts of melancholia. Agata was the youngest of Dolci's seven daughters, and may have been an artist like her better-known elder sister, Agnese Dolci (d. in 1689).

The date of this exquisite portrait can be established by several clues. Agata was still recorded as a young girl ("fanciulla piccola") in her father's will of May 23, 1685 (Archivio di Stato, Florence, Notarile, no. 20596, fol. 3302/37), and she was previously portrayed by Dolci at the age of four on a drawing now in Cambridge datable between 1667-70 (Fitzwilliam Museum inv. 904*3, fol. 4r, inscribed "Agata di Anni 4"). On the Metropolitan Museum drawing the girl appears to be older, approximately ten years old, thus suggesting a date of execution around 1676-80. Agata is here formally dressed, and wears a coral necklace, an apotropaic symbol. According to David Scrase (Italian Drawings at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 2011, p. 222) a further portrait of Agata can be recognized in the young girl drawn by Dolci on the sheet now in Los Angeles (The J. Paul Getty Museum, inv. 83.GB.374).

(Furio Rinaldi, 2014)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。