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品名(英)Design for a Ceiling: Venice Receiving Homage
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Gaspare Diziani【1689 至 1767】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1755 - 公元 1760
尺寸11 7/8 x 8 1/16英寸 (30.2 x 20.5厘米)
介绍(中)这幅用笔墨和灰色水洗绘制的动态构图与迪齐亚尼在威尼斯魏德曼宫的天花板上绘制的壁画"魏德曼家族的荣耀"有许多共同点,大约 1755-1760 年。横幅和其他军事用具出现在这部作品中,正义、谨慎和名望的寓言人物也是如此;普蒂支撑着一盘卷轴,时间拿着一个空盾牌,两侧是一只鹰,这可能是魏德曼家族卡林西亚起源的象征。然而,在壁画的上部,一个带翅膀的人物为家庭的代表加冕,而在绘画中,一个人物跪在威尼斯的化身面前。

迪齐亚尼(Diziani)的一组风格连贯的绘画可以与博物馆为魏德曼宫(Palazzo Widmann)的项目进行比较:现作品下部的钢笔素描,有一些变化,在哥本哈根的斯塔滕斯艺术博物馆,并带有一个古老的注释,"coregio"(inv. no. Tu ital mag. vol. 6, 34)。博物馆收藏的第二幅画(inv. 2009.31.5)于2009年从已故的约瑟夫·麦克林德尔(Joseph McCrindle)手中获得,非常接近魏德曼宫天花板项目;而对作品上部的研究是在伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(Ward-Jackson 1980,no. 1001,repr.)。该表在"可靠的威尼斯之

手"中进行了注释:大都会艺术博物馆拥有另外四幅由"可靠的威尼斯之手"署名的图纸(见第 66.53.4、61.204、66.53.6、1989.172 号),所有这些都被认为是正确的。这些注释以整齐、倾斜的字母标明了艺术家的姓名和出生地,是一位身份不明的威尼斯收藏家的作品,这位 18 世纪的品味和非凡的博学。
介绍(英)This dynamic composition, drawn in pen and ink and grey wash, has many points in common with the "Glorification of the Widmann Family", frescoed by Diziani on the ceiling of Palazzo Widmann, Venice, about 1755-1760. Banners and other military paraphernalia occur in this work, as do allegorical figures of Justice, Prudence, and Fame; putti support a tray of scrolls, and Time holds an empty shield flanked by an eagle, which may be emblematic of the Carinthian origins of the Widmann family. However, in the upper part of the fresco a winged figure crowns a representative of the family, while in the drawing a figure kneels before a personification of Venice.

A group of stylistically coherent drawings by Diziani can be compared to the Museum’s project for Palazzo Widmann: a pen sketch for the lower part of the present composition, with a few variations, is in the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen and bears an old annotation, "coregio" (inv. no. Tu ital mag. vol. 6, 34). A second drawing in the Museum's collection (inv. 2009.31.5), acquired in 2009 from the late Joseph McCrindle, comes very close to the Palazzo Widmann ceiling project; while a study for the upper part of the composition is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (Ward-Jackson 1980, no. 1001, repr.).

The sheet is annotated in the "Reliable Venetian Hand": The Metropolitan Museum of Art owns four other drawings with attributions by the "Reliable Venetian Hand" (see acc. nos. 66.53.4, 61.204, 66.53.6, 1989.172), all of them considered to be correct. These annotations, in neat, slanting letters, giving the artist's name and place of origin, are the work of a still-unidentified Venetian collector of the eighteenth century of taste and exceptional erudition.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。