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品名(中)反向设计方向的复制:基于Domenico Beccafumi的摩西在锡耶纳大教堂路面上撞击岩石的场景中左侧的一组卧姿
品名(英)Copy in Reverse Design Orientation: Based on the Group of Reclining Figures at Left in Domenico Beccafumi's Scene of Moses Striking the Rock in the Pavement of Siena Cathedral
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Domenico Beccafumi【1484 至 1551】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1596
尺寸5 7/8 × 8 7/8 英寸 (15 × 22.5 厘米), original 页
介绍(中)这幅图中的人物群最初是由多梅尼科·贝卡富米为锡耶纳大教堂的雕刻路面设计的,代表摩西敲击岩石。这幅画的设计方向与原作相反,只包括贝卡富米纪念性长方形场景左侧的一小部分。这幅画的前景中央刻着日期"1596 otobre 15"(1596年10月15日),字体很小,可能是这幅画的艺术家或或多或少的当代收藏家写的。铭文日期中的数字"9"也被解释为数字"4"。因此,Andrea De Marchi将这幅图的日期定在1546年左右,因此与Beccafumi为锡耶纳大教堂设计的人行道的时期相同,这并非没有道理,但也没有说服力。早期,一位不愿透露姓名的学者在大都会博物馆的画作上指出,这可能是一幅复制品,方向相同,是在维也纳阿尔贝蒂娜的一幅明暗对照木刻之后(inv.it.H.I.fol.94)。另见Andrea De Marchi,1990年,锡耶纳,第493页,第162号。此外,Beccafumi设计的反向版本和本图的方向以及Albertina被保存在带有两个色调块的蚀刻中(Morceaux Choisis,Collection Frits Lugt,Paris,1994,目录号67)。生殖明暗对照木刻被认为是安德烈亚·安德里亚尼的作品。然而,所有这些都不能确定这幅作品在大都会艺术博物馆的作者身份,因为贝卡富米为锡耶纳大教堂人行道设计的非常受欢迎的作品之后,现存的复制版画既存在于原始作品的同一方向,也存在于原始构图的镜像方向
介绍(英)The figural group in this drawing was originally designed by Domenico Beccafumi for the pavement in intarsia in the Siena Cathedral which represents Moses Striking the Rock. The drawing is in reverse design orientation with respect to the original and includes only a small portion at left from Beccafumi's monumental oblong scene. This drawing is inscribed with the date "1596 otobre 15" (October 15, 1596) at center in the foreground, in tiny script probably either by the artist of the drawing or a more or less contemporary collector. The numeral "9" in the inscribed date has also been interpreted less convincingly as a numeral "4." Hence, Andrea De Marchi dated this drawing to around 1546, hence the same period as the pavement designs by Beccafumi for the Siena Cathedral, which is not unreasonable but is not persuasive. At an early point, an unnamed scholar noted on the mount of the Metropolitan Museum drawing that it may be a copy, in the same orientation, after the mpression of a chiaroscuro woodcut in the Albertina, Vienna (inv. It. H.I. fol. 94). See also Andrea De Marchi in Siena 1990, p. 493, under no. 162. Moreover, a reversed version of Beccafumi's design and in the direction of this drawing and the Albertina is preserved in an etching with two tone blocks (Morceaux Choisis, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris, 1994, cat. no. 67. The reproductive chiaroscuro woodcuts have been attributed to Andrea Andreani. None of this, however, settles the authorship of the present drawing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, since the extant reproductive prints after Beccafumi's very popular designs for the pavement of the Siena Cathedral exist in both the same direction and in the mirror-image direction of the original compositions.
(C. C. Bambach; August 2014)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。