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品名(中)四个郁金香:Boter man(黄油人)、Joncker(诺贝尔梅恩)、Grote geplumaceerde(大羽毛人)和Voorwint(随风)
品名(英)Four Tulips: Boter man (Butter Man), Joncker (Nobleman), Grote geplumaceerde (The Great Plumed One), and Voorwint (With the Wind)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Jacob Marrel【1613 至 1681】【德国人】
创作年份公元 1635 - 公元 1645
尺寸页 (c.): 13 3/8 x 17 11/16 英寸 (34 x 44.9 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅牛皮纸上的水彩画是植物学和经济史上一个迷人时刻的非凡记录,涉及一种受人尊敬的花朵及其在股票市场上的交易。它描绘了四种不同的郁金香品种,每个品种都明确命名(Boter man,Joncker,Grote geplumaceerde,Voorwint),并精美地渲染以记录珍贵的花朵。这张纸出自荷兰静物画家、印刷品和郁金香经销商雅各布·马雷尔(Jakob Marrel,1613-1681 年)制作的几本水彩画册或 Tulpenboeken 之一。Marrel 与德国雕刻家 Matthäus Merian 的遗孀结婚,是著名植物学家兼艺术家 Maria Sibylla Merian 的继父和老师。除了花卉画,马雷尔还创作了至少六本郁金香书,其中三本完好无损。他在 1630 年代末和 1640 年代初在乌得勒支工作时被处决,他的郁金香书籍恰逢荷兰人对郁金香产生真正热情的时期。被称为郁金香花的愤怒,特别是其杂色或多条纹形式,导致了疯狂的投机,最终于 1637 年以球茎商品市场的崩溃而告终。郁金香仍然被认为是荷兰的"国花",实际上是在 1580 年代从土耳其进口的,从 16 世纪初开始由奥斯曼帝国种植。正是著名的、广泛旅行的佛兰芒植物学家卡罗勒斯·克卢修斯(Carolus Clusius,1526-1609 年)作为莱顿植物园的主管,在进一步从西亚引进郁金香和其他异国情调的球茎方面发挥了重要作用,为荷兰现代全球球茎产业奠定了基础。
介绍(英)This watercolor on vellum is a remarkable document of a fascinating moment in botanical and economic history, involving a venerated flower and its trade on the stock market. It depicts four different tulip cultivars, each clearly named (Boter man, Joncker, Grote geplumaceerde, Voorwint) and beautifully rendered to record the prized bloom. The sheet comes out of one of several watercolor albums or Tulpenboeken made by the Dutch still-life painter, print- and tulip dealer Jakob Marrel (1613–1681). Married to the widow of the German engraver Matthäus Merian, Marrel was stepfather and teacher of the well-known botanist-artist Maria Sibylla Merian. In addition to flower paintings, Marrel created at least six tulip books, three of which remain intact. Executed while he worked in Utrecht during the late 1630s and early 1640s, his tulip books coincide with the period when the Dutch developed a true passion for the tulip. Known as Tulipomania, the rage for this flower, especially in its variegated or multistriped form, resulted in wild speculation, ending in 1637 with the crash of the bulb commodity market. Still considered Holland's "national flower," the tulip actually was imported in the 1580s from Turkey, where it had been cultivated by the Ottomans from the beginning of the sixteenth century onward. It was the famous, widely traveled Flemish botanist Carolus Clusius (1526–1609), who, as supervisor of the Leiden Botanical Garden, was instrumental in furthering the introduction of the tulip and other exotic bulbs from West Asia, laying the foundation for Holland's modern-day global bulb industry.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。