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品名(英)Three Archers and a Figure with a Spear
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellée)【1604 至 1682】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1670 - 公元 1672
尺寸6 1/4 x 9 1/4 英寸 (15.9 x 23.5 厘米)
介绍(中)在17世纪的等级制度之后,克劳德的风景被提升到历史绘画的更高境界,因为他们包含了从神话和古代历史中取下的小规模场景。这张研究报告涉及 1672 年布鲁塞尔美术博物馆中与埃涅阿斯·亨廷的利比亚海岸景观,为保罗·弗朗切斯科·法尔科涅里(Paolo Francesco Falconieri,1626-1696 年)绘制,他是一位佛罗伦萨血统的王子,住在罗马朱利亚大街上的一座宫殿中,该宫殿在 1650 年代由博罗米尼改造。
所描绘的情节来自埃涅阿斯纪, 第一卷,158-193。在朱诺发动的海上风暴中幸存下来后,埃涅阿斯和他的追随者以及他们的七艘船在利比亚海岸悬崖接壤的深港中找到了庇护所。埃涅阿斯徒步前往高地并勘测地平线,遇到了一群雄鹿,并从他的同伴阿夏特斯那里拿走了他的弓和"快速箭"。他射击直到他击落了七只雄鹿,足以为每艘船分配一只。埃涅阿斯作为罗马的象征性创始人,是罗马贵族家庭委托创作的热门画作的主题,自然希望将他们的血统追溯到这位杰出的祖先。
介绍(英)Following 17th century hierarchies, Claude’s landscapes were elevated to the loftier realm of history painting by their inclusion of small-scale scenes taken from mythology and ancient history. This sheet of studies relates to the 1672 Coast View of Libya with Aeneas Hunting, in the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Brussels painted for Paolo Francesco Falconieri (1626-1696), a prince of Florentine origin living in Rome on the via Giulia in a palace that had been remodelled by Borromini in the 1650s.
The episode depicted is from the Aeneid, book I, 158-193. After surviving a tempest at sea unleashed by Juno, Aeneas and his followers and their seven ships find shelter in a deep harbor bordered by cliffs on the Libyan coast. Setting off on foot to gain high ground and survey the horizon, Aeneas comes upon a herd of stags and takes his bow and "swift arrows" from his companion Achates. He shoots until he has downed seven stags, enough to allocate one to each ship. Aeneas, as the symbolic founder of Rome, was a popular subject for paintings commissioned by Roman aristocratic families, naturally wanting to trace their lineage back to this illustrious forebear.
In this sheet, Claude explored various poses for the hunters. His earlier studies betrayed a lack of understanding of archery, but in the Metropolitan’s sheet he has corrected the placement of the feet. The right-handed archer (second from the right) is used for the figure of Aeneas. For Aeneas’s companion, Achates, Claude takes the resting figure at left and turns him 180 degrees. The figure holding a spear is not used in the painting. Although the uneven ground upon which they stand provides a pictorial context, the hunters are not envisioned as a figural grouping, but rather as a succession of distinct studies for individual figures. The four men echo one another, as they all face to the right and wear similar billowing tunics and feathered helmets, their weapons arrayed in a sequence of staggered parallel lines. Claude thus achieved an effect of progression and gradual descent from left to right while avoiding overlap between adjacent figures.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。