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品名(英)Melencolia I
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Albrecht Dürer【1471 至 1528】【德国人】
创作年份公元 1514
尺寸Plate: 9 7/16 × 7 5/16 英寸 (24 × 18.5 厘米)
介绍(中)丢勒的《梅伦科利亚一世》是 1513 年和 1514 年的三幅大型版画之一,被称为他的 Meisterstiche(雕刻大师)。 另外两个是骑士,死亡和魔鬼(43.106.2)和圣杰罗姆在他的研究中(19.73.68)。 这三者绝不是一个系列,但它们确实符合中世纪经院哲学中的三种美德——道德、神学和知识——它们体现了丢勒思想和他那个时代思想的复杂性。

梅伦科利亚一世是对艺术家知识状况的描绘,因此,推而广之,是丢勒的精神自画像。 在中世纪哲学中,每个人都被认为由四种幽默之一所支配;与黑胆相关的忧郁症是四种中最不受欢迎的,忧郁症被认为是最有可能屈服于精神错乱的人。 然而,文艺复兴时期的思想也将忧郁与创造天才联系起来;因此,在这种想法改变这种幽默地位的同时,它使这位有自我意识的艺术家意识到他的天赋伴随着可怕的风险。

忧郁的翅膀化身,沮丧地坐着,头靠在手上,拿着卡尺,周围环绕着与几何相关的其他工具,几何学是艺术创作的基础七门文科之一,也是丢勒可能比大多数艺术家更希望在自己的作品中达到完美的工具。 内特斯海姆的科尼利厄斯·阿格里帕(Cornelius Agrippa)的《神秘哲学》(De Occulta Philosophia)是一篇有影响力的论文,几乎可以肯定丢勒知道,它可能是标题中数字I的解释:艺术中的创造力是想象力的领域,被认为是三类天才等级中的第一个也是最低的。 其次是理性的境界,最高的是精神的境界。 具有讽刺意味的是,这种瘫痪和无能为力的艺术家形象体现了丢勒自身艺术力量的巅峰。
介绍(英)Dürer's Melencolia I is one of three large prints of 1513 and 1514 known as his Meisterstiche (master engravings). The other two are Knight, Death, and the Devil (43.106.2) and Saint Jerome in His Study (19.73.68). The three are in no way a series, but they do correspond to the three kinds of virtue in medieval scholasticism--moral, theological, and intellectual--and they embody the complexity of Dürer's thought and that of his age.

Melencolia I is a depiction of the intellectual situation of the artist and is thus, by extension, a spiritual self-portrait of Dürer. In medieval philosophy each individual was thought to be dominated by one of the four humors; melancholy, associated with black gall, was the least desirable of the four, and melancholics were considered the most likely to succumb to insanity. Renaissance thought, however, also linked melancholy with creative genius; thus, at the same time that this idea changed the status of this humor, it made the self-conscious artist aware that his gift came with terrible risks.

The winged personification of Melancholy, seated dejectedly with her head resting on her hand, holds a caliper and is surrounded by other tools associated with geometry, the one of the seven liberal arts that underlies artistic creation--and the one through which Dürer, probably more than most artists, hoped to approach perfection in his own work. An influential treatise, the De Occulta Philosophia of Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim, almost certainly known to Dürer, probably holds the explanation for the number I in the title: creativity in the arts was the realm of the imagination, considered the first and lowest in the hierarchy of the three categories of genius. The next was the realm of reason, and the highest the realm of spirit. It is ironic that this image of the artist paralyzed and powerless exemplifies Dürer's own artistic power at its superlative height.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。