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品名(英)Over-and-Under Flintlock Pocket Pistol of the Hughes of Gwerclas Family with Case and Accessories
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作者Joseph Egg【1775 至 1837】【英国人(出生于法国)】
创作年份公元 1795 - 公元 1837
创作地区原产国: 英格兰, 伦敦(Country of Origin: England, London)
尺寸Pistol (a): 长 6 3/8 英寸 (16.2 厘米); 长 of barrels 2 3/4 英寸 (7 厘米); Cal. of barrels .32 英寸 (8.1 毫米); 重 8.8 盎司 (249.5 g); powder flask (b): 高 2 13/16 英寸 (7.1 厘米); 重 2.5 盎司 (70.9 g); ramrod (c): 长 3 3/4 英寸 (9.5 厘米); 重 6 盎司 (170.1 g); case (d): 高 2 英寸 (5.1 厘米); 宽 8 英寸 (20.3 厘米); 深 5 9/16 英寸 (14.1 厘米); 重 14.4 盎司 (408.2 g)
介绍(中)像这样的小型侧锁手枪体积小巧,外形优雅,是约瑟夫·埃格的专长之一,因其精密的工艺和宝石般的品质以及作为袖珍武器的便利性而备受推崇。其新颖的单扳机机制由Egg设计,允许通过两次扣动扳机连续发射枪管。埃格在成为摄政王和他的弟弟约克和奥尔巴尼公爵弗雷德里克·奥古斯都王子(1763-1827 年)后为威尔士亲王制造了类似的袖珍手枪。这把特殊的手枪属于威尔士王室成员,Gwerclas的休斯,他的手臂刻在金色鞍帽上。十九世纪初经典


伦敦枪支制造商喜欢微妙的装饰,以补充枪支的刻意和细致的组装。蓝色、表面硬化和褐色钢以及华丽的胡桃木的美学词汇,都带有雅致的金色和银色口音,定义了他们大部分最佳作品。这些枪支的各个组成部分都是在枪械大师的指导下由高度专业化的工匠单独生产的,包括锁匠、枪管锻造者、枪管锻造师和雕刻师。从大约 1790 年开始,枪支通常装有桃花心木箱,其内部衬有绿色 baize(羊毛布),并细分为独立的隔间,用于存放武器、工具和配件。
介绍(英)Diminutive in size and elegant in form, small side-lock pistols like this one were one of Joseph Egg’s specialties, prized for their precision craftsmanship and jewel-like quality, as well as their convenience as pocketable weapons. Its novel single-trigger mechanism, designed by Egg, allowed for the barrels to be fired in succession with two pulls of the trigger. Egg made similar pocket pistols for the Prince of Wales after he became Prince Regent and his younger brother, Prince Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany (1763–1827). This particular pistol belonged to a member of a Welsh royal family, Hughes of Gwerclas, whose arms are engraved on the gold pommel cap.

The finest London firearms made in the classic British style of the early nineteenth century rank among the most stately and innovative in the history of gunmaking. They are immediately recognizable by their elegant proportions, restrained ornament, and technical refinement. Graceful yet practical and perfectly balanced in the hand, they privilege overall formal quality and flawless mechanical work over applied adornments. This emphasis on the purity of form references the Neoclassical style then in vogue. It also breaks from the longstanding tradition of decorative opulence in fine Continental European firearms.

London gunmakers favored subtle embellishments that complemented the firearms’ deliberate and meticulous assemblies. An aesthetic vocabulary of blued, case-hardened, and browned steel and richly finished walnut, both with tasteful gold and silver accents, defines much of their best work. The various component parts of these firearms were individually produced under the direction of a master gunmaker by highly specialized craftsmen, including a lock smith, barrel forger, stocker, and engraver. From about 1790 firearms were generally fitted with mahogany cases, whose interiors were lined with green baize (woolen cloth) and subdivided into discrete compartments for the weapon, tools, and accessories.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。