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品名(英)Cylinder seal: seated figure approached by a goddess leading a worshiper
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 2028 - 公元前 2004
尺寸高 1 1/8 x 直径 11/16 英寸 (2.8 x 1.7 厘米)

展示了印章的现代印象,从而可以看到整个设计。这枚印章展示了所谓的呈现场景,这是乌尔三世时期圆柱印章上最常见的图案。一位秃顶、胡子刮得干干净净的崇拜者,穿着一件长长的流苏长袍,右手手掌放在嘴边,大概是印章的主人伊鲁姆·巴尼(Ilum bani),可以从镶框的八行铭文中辨认出来:"伊比·辛(Ibbi Sin)是强壮的国王,乌尔国王,四分之一(世界)的国王//伊鲁姆·班尼(Ilum bani)是监督者,伊利·乌金(Ili ukin)的儿子,是你的仆人。"他由一位女神带领,女神身穿荷叶边长袍,披在左肩上,戴着四对角的帽子。她右手抓住他的左手腕,举起左手敬礼,并将崇拜者呈现给一位神化国王的坐姿,显然是一位年轻的伊比·辛(Ibbi Sin),在铭文中,他被认定为神的决定者。他也穿着荷叶边衣服。"披在左肩上,戴着一顶檐帽。他坐在一个矮平台上的软垫凳子上,伸出一只杯子,放在他抿着的指尖上。新月中的星盘占据了国王面前的上野。这些印章在肖像和铭文公式上都高度标准化,显然只限于在行政等级中仅次于国王的一类高级公职人员。
介绍(英)Although engraved stones had been used as early as the seventh millennium B.C. to stamp impressions in clay, the invention in the fourth millennium B.C. of carved cylinders that could be rolled over clay allowed the development of more complex seal designs. These cylinder seals, first used in Mesopotamia, served as a mark of ownership or identification. Seals were either impressed on lumps of clay that were used to close jars, doors, and baskets, or they were rolled onto clay tablets that recorded information about commercial or legal transactions. The seals were often made of precious stones. Protective properties may have been ascribed to both the material itself and the carved designs. Seals are important to the study of ancient Near Eastern art because many examples survive from every period and can, therefore, help to define chronological phases. Often preserving imagery no longer extant in any other medium, they serve as a visual chronicle of style and iconography.

The modern impression of the seal is shown so that the entire design can be seen. This seal shows a so-called presentation scene, the most common motif on cylinder seals of the Ur III period. A bald, clean-shaven worshiper, wearing a long, fringed robe and holding the palm of his right hand before his mouth, presumably is the seal's owner, Ilum-bani, identifiable from the framed, eight-line inscription: "Ibbi-Sin the strong king, king of Ur, King of the four quarters [of the world] // Ilum-bani the overseer, son of Ili-ukin [is] your servant." He is led by a goddess wearing a flounced robe that drapes over her left shoulder and a cap with four pairs of horns. She grasps his left wrist in her right hand, raises her left hand in a salute, and presents the worshiper to the seated figure of a deified king, apparently a young Ibbi-Sin, who, in the inscription, is identified with the divine determinative. He, too, wears a flounced garment draped over his left shoulder and a brimmed cap. Seated on a padded stool set on a low platform, he holds forth a cup perched on his pursed fingertips. A star disk within a crescent moon occupies the upper field in front of the king. These seals, highly standardized in both their iconography and their inscription formulas, were apparently restricted to a class of high public officials ranking just below the king in the administrative hierarchy.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。