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品名(英)Bridge-spouted jar
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 700 - 公元前 600
尺寸Diameter: 9.63 英寸 (24.46 厘米); Diameter of rim: 4.50 英寸 (11.43 厘米); Restored height: 14.50 英寸 (36.83 厘米)

该投手是在Tepe Nush-i Jan挖掘的,这是一个铁器时代的山顶遗址,位于伊朗西部哈马丹(Hamadan)约60公里处。Nush-i Jan在公元前7世纪和6世纪被占领,其居住者通常被认为是米底人,一个从亚述,阿契美尼德和圣经资料中知道的伊朗人。尽管文本资料将他们描绘成一个强大的帝国,但米底人的考古证据尚未支持这种印象。相反,他们似乎生活在伊朗西部和中部分散的防御工事中,没有任何明确的首都。Nush-i Jan是这些遗址中最著名的遗址之一,拥有两座寺庙,一个圆柱形大厅和一个堡垒,这个捕虫笼就是在那里被发现的。

喷口投手是铁器时代的一个众所周知的特征,特别是在伊朗西北部。它们存在于家庭环境和坟墓中,据推测,它们被用来倒入含有渣滓的液体,如葡萄酒。然而,他们似乎与任何特定的文化群体无关;相反,它们是共享物质文化传统的一部分。这个投手表明米底人参与了这一传统。事实上,在波斯波利斯阿帕达纳的浮雕中,大约建于公元前 510-480 年,米底人被描绘成携带一艘与此非常相似的船只,尽管缺乏动物成分。这表明,人们认为在公元前一千年早期迁移到伊朗西部的米底人采用了现有物质文化传统的许多方面,这也是米底艺术仍然难以识别的部分原因。
介绍(英)This pitcher is reconstructed from several pieces. Although the complete profile does not survive, enough remains to determine that it has a flat base, a bulbous body, a spout on one side and a double handle on the other. Three vertical lines decorate the vessel’s shoulder, and there are three raised knobs on one side of the body. The spot where the handle and the spout meet the rim is decorated with a horned animal head. The pitcher is made of a buff clay on a potter’s wheel and then burnished, with the handles and spout added.

The pitcher was excavated at Tepe Nush-i Jan, an Iron Age hilltop site about 60 km sound of Hamadan in western Iran. Nush-i Jan was occupied in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C., and its occupants are generally thought to be the Medes, an Iranian people known from Assyrian, Achaemenid and Biblical sources. Though the textual sources portray them as a powerful empire, archaeological evidence for the Medes has yet to sustain this impression. Rather, they seem to have lived in scattered fortified sites in western and central Iran, without any clear capital. Nush-i Jan, one of the best known of these sites, features two temples, a columned hall, and a fort, where this pitcher was discovered.

Spouted pitchers are a well-known feature of the Iron Age, especially in northwestern Iran. They are found in domestic contexts as well as in tombs, and presumably they were used to pour liquids containing dregs, such as wine. They do not, however, appear to be associated with any specific cultural group; rather they are part of a shared material culture tradition. This pitcher suggests that the Medes participated in this tradition. In fact, in the reliefs on the Apadana at Persepolis, constructed ca. 510-480 B.C., the Medes are depicted carrying a vessel very similar to this one, albeit lacking the animal component. This suggests that the Medes, who are thought to have migrated into western Iran sometime in the early first millennium B.C., adopted many aspects of existing material culture traditions, which is partly why Median art remains so difficult to identify.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。