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品名(英)Wall decoration with floral and vegetal design
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元 500 - 公元 600
尺寸Set of four: 25 1/2 × 25 1/2 英寸, 97 lb (64.8 × 64.8 厘米)
介绍(中)灰泥浮雕通常用于装饰萨珊王朝的精英住宅,比如Ctesiphon地区的Ma’aridh VI的这些例子。这四块瓷砖(MMA 32.150.5、32.150.6、32.150.7、32.150.8)是在一个拱形接待室或iwan的废墟中发现的,构成了一个更大的墙面覆盖物的一部分。因为制作瓷砖只需要一个模具,复杂的藤蔓图案可以无限重复,而且仍然相当复杂。重建表明了这些面板在原始环境中的效果

Ctesiphon市位于底格里斯河东岸,距离现代伊拉克巴格达以南20英里(32公里)。它作为帕提亚人和萨萨尼亚人的首都繁荣了800多年,这两个王朝是七世纪伊斯兰征服前统治古代近东的最后两个王朝。1928年至29年,由德国东方学会(Deutsche Orient Gesellschaft)赞助的一支探险队在克特西丰地区进行了系统的挖掘。1931-32年,大都会艺术博物馆和柏林国家美术馆进行了一次为期一季的联合探险。进行了几次挖掘,包括在主宫殿(Taq-i Kisra)、Tell Dheheb宫殿南部的一个小设防区、Ma’aridh土堆的多栋房屋,以及一个名为Umm ez-Za'tir的小土堆的额外房屋

在Ctesiphon地区的挖掘过程中,从一系列名为el Ma'aridh的小土堆中挖掘出了六栋房屋。Ma’aridh VI的房子只进行了部分挖掘,没有制定建筑平面图。然而,房子里的灰泥碎片表明,接待区的十字形壁龛装饰得很华丽。
介绍(英)Stucco reliefs were commonly used to decorate elite Sasanian houses like these examples from Ma’aridh VI in the Ctesiphon area. These four tiles (MMA 32.150.5, 32.150.6, 32.150.7, 32.150.8), found in the remains of a vaulted reception room, or iwan, formed part of a larger wall covering. Because only one mold was needed to create the tiles, the intricate vine motif could be repeated endlessly and still be quite complex. The reconstruction suggests the effect of such panels in their original setting.

The city of Ctesiphon was located on the east bank of the Tigris River, 20 miles (32 km) south of modern Baghdad in Iraq. It flourished for more than 800 years as the capital of the Parthians and the Sasanians, the last two dynasties to rule the ancient Near East before the Islamic conquest in the seventh century. Systematic excavations in the Ctesiphon area were undertaken by an expedition in 1928–29 sponsored by the German Oriental Society (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft). The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Staatliche Museen, Berlin, undertook a joint expedition for one season in 1931–32. Several excavations were conducted, including at the main palace (Taq-i Kisra), in a small fortified area south of the palace at Tell Dheheb, at multiple houses at the mounds of Ma’aridh, and at additional houses at a small mound called Umm ez-Za’tir.

Over the course of the excavations in the Ctesiphon area, six houses from a series of small mounds called el Ma’aridh were excavated. The house at Ma’aridh VI was only partially excavated and a plan of the building was not made. The stucco fragments from the house, however, suggest that the cruciform niches in the reception area were richly decorated.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。