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品名(英)Funerary relief
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元 150 - 公元 200
创作地区来自于: (From: )
尺寸19 1/4 英寸 × 14 英寸 × 8 9/16 英寸 (48.9 × 35.6 × 21.7 厘米)
1 唉!
2 ['O]ga,
3-4 [儿子] Zabda'ateh,

2 这使 3 成为

1 ḥbl 2 [
ʿ]gʾ 3
[br] zbdʿt
4 h
1 whbʾ
2 dy ʿbd
3 ʾḥWhy

这种浮雕是公元前三个世纪繁荣的商队城市巴尔米拉特有的一种葬礼纪念碑。 带有死者代表和简短识别铭文的浮雕被用来密封精心装饰的公共坟墓中的墓龛; 那些半长或半身像格式的人在公元后的某个时候变得流行。65.
这里展示的是一个男人的上半身,他穿着希腊斗篷,被称为希米特,穿在奇顿或束腰外衣上,像吊索一样缠绕在右臂上。这些服装的褶皱是规则的和图案状的,没有现实的重量感和体积感。同样,他的手是简单的块状形式,没有关节或骨骼结构。他左手拿着一个小东西,可能是书卷。浮雕的背景已损坏,但肩膀上方和右侧的背侧(垂布)仍然部分可见。他头的两侧用帕尔米林阿拉姆语刻有他父亲和祖父的名字,并记录了这座纪念碑是由死者的兄弟委托建造的。红色油漆的痕迹在铭文的字母中幸存下来。眉毛下方描绘成简单的切割线条,眼睑被仔细勾勒出轮廓,并在内角和外角向下翻转。每只大眼睛的虹膜都表示为一个切开的圆圈,瞳孔被钻孔,强调了凝视的强度,这种凝视略微向上,远远超出观察者。男人的短发被描绘成一排波浪形的头发,形成帽子般的发型,在太阳穴处略微后退,暗示中年。Palmyrene葬礼浮雕不是现代意义上的肖像,但下巴后退和喉咙上的肉质褶皱表明试图描绘死者的特定特征。这种浮雕在风格上可以追溯到公元 150-200 年左右,因为眼睛的处理和 himation 的建模,缺乏早期示例中发现的半圆形褶皱。
(at right)
1 Alas!
2 [‘O]ga,
3-4 [son of] Zabda‘ateh,

(at left, written vertically)
1 (son of) Wahba.
2 Which made
3 his brother.

1 ḥbl
2 [ʿ]gʾ
3 [br] zbdʿt
4 h
1 whbʾ
2 dy ʿbd
3 ʾḥwhy

This relief is a type of funerary monument characteristic of the prosperous caravan city of Palmyra during the first three centuries A.D. Reliefs with a representation of the deceased and a short identifying inscription were used to seal burial niches in elaborately decorated communal tombs; those with a half-length or bust format became prevalent sometime after A.D. 65.
Shown here is the upper body of a man dressed in a Greek cloak known as a himation, worn over a chiton, or tunic, and wrapped around the right arm like a sling. The folds of these garments are regular and pattern-like, without a realistic sense of weight and volume. Likewise, his hands are simple blocky forms, without articulated joints or bone structure. He holds a small object, probably a schedula (book roll), in his left hand. The background of the relief has been damaged, but a dorsalium (draped cloth) remains partially visible above the shoulders and on the right side. An inscription in Palmyrene Aramaic on either side of his head gives his father and grandfather’s names, and records that the monument was commissioned by the deceased’s brother. Traces of red paint survive in the letters of the inscription. Below eyebrows depicted as simple incised lines, the eyelids are carefully outlined, and downturned at both inner and outer corners. The iris of each large eye is indicated as an incised circle, and the pupils are drilled, underscoring the intensity of the gaze which is directed slightly up and far beyond the viewer. The man’s short hair is depicted as a row of wavy locks, creating a cap-like hairstyle, slightly receding at the temples to suggest middle age. Palmyrene funerary reliefs are not portraits in the modern sense, but the receding chin, and the fleshy folds across his throat, suggest attempts to depict specific features of the deceased. This relief can be stylistically dated to around 150-200 A.D. because of the treatment of the eyes, and the modeling of the himation, which lacks the semicircular folds found on earlier examples.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。