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品名(英)Turkey Vessel
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 600 - 公元 1000
创作地区墨西哥, 韦拉克鲁斯(Mexico, Veracruz)
尺寸高 4 3/4 x 宽 6 3/4 英寸 (12.1 x 17.2 厘米)

这种容器是"桥喷口容器"。它有两个开口:鸟背上的一个大的中央开口,以及形成鸟尾巴的空心管状喷口。一座粘土桥将中央开口的边缘连接到喷口。这种容器也被称为"巧克力罐",因为它们可能被用来准备豪华饮料,包括那些含有可可豆的饮料(见MMA 1999.484.3)。用户可能已经吹入喷嘴,将饮料表面充气成令人愉悦的美味泡沫。巧克力罐在整个古代中美洲的精英墓葬环境中被发现。






休斯顿,斯蒂芬。2017. "忘记巧克力:喷口的容器、椰壳和玛雅人。"玛雅破译。九月 24, 2017.https://decipherment.wordpress.com/2017/09/24/forgetting-chocolate-spouted-vessels-cocle-and-the-maya

Lapham、Heather A.、Gary M. Feinman 和 Linda M. Nicholas。2016. "墨西哥瓦哈卡州的火鸡饲养和使用:土耳其遗骸的背景研究和米特拉要塞蛋壳的 SEM 分析。"考古科学杂志:报告10:534-546。

马宁、奥雷利、爱德华多·科罗纳-M、米歇尔·亚历山大、阿比盖尔·克雷格、艾琳·肯尼迪·桑顿、东雅·杨、迈克尔·理查兹和卡米拉·斯佩勒。2018. "中美洲火鸡管理策略的多样性:考古、同位素和遗传证据。"皇家学会开放科学5,第1期:1-14;补充材料 1.

麦卡洛,杰森。2001. "梅莱格里斯·加洛帕沃。"动物多样性网。2018年7月8日访问。http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Meleagris_gallopavo/

波尔、玛丽和劳伦斯·费尔德曼。1982. "妇女和动物在低地玛雅经济中的传统角色。"在《玛雅生存:纪念丹尼斯·E·普勒斯顿的研究》(Maya Susistence: Studies in Memory of Dennis E. Puleston)中,肯特·弗兰纳里(Kent V. Flannery)编辑。纽约:学术出版社:295-311。

波尔,玛丽。1983. "玛雅仪式动物群:玛雅低地墓葬、藏匿处、洞穴和天然井的脊椎动物遗骸。"《古代美洲文明:纪念戈登·R·威利的散文》(Civilization in the Ancient Americas: Essays in Honor of Gordon R. Willey),理查德·M·莱文塔尔(Richard M. Leventhal)和艾伦·L·科拉塔(Alan L. Kolata)编辑,第55-103页。马萨诸塞州剑桥:新墨西哥大学出版社和皮博迪考古学和民族学博物馆。

Powis, Terry G., Fred Valdez, Jr., Thomas R. Hester, W. Jeffrey Hurst, and Stanley M. Tarka, Jr. 2002."喷口器皿和可可使用在前古典玛雅人中。"拉丁美洲古代13,第1期(2002年3月):85-106。

肖格,阿莉威廉。1966. 野生火鸡:它的历史和驯化.俄克拉荷马州诺曼:俄克拉荷马大学出版社。

斯塔克、芭芭拉·L和菲利普·阿诺德。"海湾低地考古学简介。"在《奥尔梅克到阿兹特克:古代海湾低地的定居模式》(Olmec to Aztec: Settlement Patterns in the Ancient Gulf Lowlands),由芭芭拉·斯塔克(Barbara L. Stark)和菲利普·J·阿诺德三世(Phillip J Arnold III)编辑。(图森:亚利桑那大学出版社,1997),3-32。

桑顿、艾琳·肯尼迪、基蒂·F·埃默里、大卫·斯坦德曼、卡米拉·斯佩勒、雷·马塞尼和杨冬雅。2012. "玛雅地区最早的墨西哥火鸡 (Meleagris gallopavo):对西班牙前动物贸易的影响和火鸡驯化的时间。"公共科学图书馆一号7,第8号:1-7。
介绍(英)This vessel portrays a male turkey in a vigorous pose—it is displaying to attract a female turkey’s attention and intimidate rivals. The bird’s head, wings, feet, and “beard”—a tuft of modified feathers at the chest—are sculpted onto its rotund body which forms the chamber of the vessel. The artist emphasizes realistic features of a male turkey courting a female for mating, such as an elongated snood (fleshy protuberance that dangles from the top of the beak) and an engorged wattle (flap along the neck). Coppery-red slip draws attention to its facial features as well as the wings, which are lowered as they would be in a strutting male. Blue slip, now degraded, once brightened the turkey’s neck: typical coloration for an excited male. The artist also burnished some of the pale orange clay to a high polish, perhaps to evoke the heightened iridescence of a male turkey’s plumage.

This kind of container is a “bridge-spout vessel.” It has two openings: a large central opening at the bird’s back, and a hollow tubular spout that forms the bird’s tail. A bridge of clay connects the rim of the central opening to the spout. Such vessels are also known as “chocolate pots” as they were likely used to prepare luxury drinks, including those containing cacao beans (see MMA 1999.484.3). A user may have blown into the spout to aerate the beverage’s surface into a pleasing, tasty foam. Chocolate pots have been found throughout ancient Mesoamerica in elite burial contexts.

This vessel’s elaborate zoomorphic representation, form, and elite associations suggest that it was used for rituals of cultural significance and was likely a grave good or interred in a ceremonial cache. Its sophisticated figuration is consistent with ceramics from Classic period Veracruz in Mexico’s Gulf Coast, a region with a number of diverse polities.

In ancient Veracruz and elsewhere in Mesoamerica, turkeys were not just nutritionally important resource animals—they were also esteemed by high-ranking people for ceremonial use. For example, scholars have interpreted images in the Dresden Codex, the oldest of the few Maya manuscripts that still exist, as depicting priests offering sacrificial turkeys to deities to ensure agricultural fertility. Archaeologists have also uncovered turkey bones throughout ancient Mesoamerica in ancient high-status burials and caches as well as in domestic contexts of both elites and commoners. Even today, turkeys are widely raised in backyards in rural Mexico, their esteem maintained in some areas through ritual activities and gift exchanges that echo practices of the past.

The vibrant subject of this vessel may have been chosen to enhance its ritual purposes. As a male turkey on the verge of mating, this humble-looking pot in fact suggests ideas of fecundity and renewal through seminal power.

Laura Allen, Bard Graduate Center, 2018

Works Cited and Further Reading

Houston, Stephen. 2017. “Forgetting Chocolate: Spouted Vessels, Coclé, and the Maya.” Maya Decipherment. September 24, 2017. https://decipherment.wordpress.com/2017/09/24/forgetting-chocolate-spouted-vessels-cocle-and-the-maya

Lapham, Heather A., Gary M. Feinman, and Linda M. Nicholas. 2016. “Turkey Husbandry and Use in Oaxaca, Mexico: A Contextual Study of Turkey Remains and SEM Analysis of Eggshell from the Mitla Fortress.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10: 534-546.

Manin, Aurelie, Eduardo Corona-M, Michelle Alexander, Abigail Craig, Erin Kennedy Thornton, Dongya Y. Yang, Michael Richards, and Camilla F. Speller. 2018. “Diversity of Management Strategies in Mesoamerican Turkeys: Archaeological, Isotopic and Genetic Evidence.” Royal Society Open Science 5, no. 1: 1–14; Supplementary Material 1.

McCullough, Jason. 2001. "Meleagris gallopavo.” Animal Diversity Web. Accessed July 8, 2018. http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Meleagris_gallopavo/

Pohl, Mary and Lawrence H. Feldman. 1982. “The Traditional Role of Women and Animals in Lowland Maya Economy.” In Maya Subsistence: Studies in Memory of Dennis E. Puleston, edited by Kent V. Flannery. New York: Academic Press: 295–311.

Pohl, Mary. 1983. “Maya Ritual Faunas: Vertebrate Remains from Burials, Caches, Caves, and Cenotes in the Maya Lowlands.” In Civilization in the Ancient Americas: Essays in Honor of Gordon R. Willey, edited by Richard M. Leventhal and Alan L. Kolata, 55–103. Cambridge, Mass: University of New Mexico Press and Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.

Powis, Terry G., Fred Valdez, Jr., Thomas R. Hester, W. Jeffrey Hurst, and Stanley M. Tarka, Jr. 2002. "Spouted Vessels and Cacao Use Among the Preclassic Maya." Latin American Antiquity 13, no. 1 (March 2002): 85–106.

Schorger, Arlie William. 1966. The Wild Turkey: Its History and Domestication. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.

Stark, Barbara L and Philip J. Arnold. “Introduction to the Archaeology of the Gulf Lowlands.” In Olmec to Aztec: Settlement Patterns in the Ancient Gulf Lowlands, edited by Barbara L. Stark and Phillip J Arnold III. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1997), 3–32.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Kitty F. Emery, David W. Steadman, Camilla Speller, Ray Matheny, and Dongya Yang. 2012. "Earliest Mexican Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Maya Region: Implications for Pre-Hispanic Animal Trade and the Timing of Turkey Domestication." PLoS One 7, no. 8: 1–7.
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