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品名(英)Altar Tableau: Queen Mother and Attendants
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 1700 - 公元 1800
创作地区尼日利亚, 贝宁(Nigeria, Court of Benin)
尺寸高13 1/2 x 宽 10 5/16 x 深 11 1/4 英寸 (34.3 x 26.2 x 28.6 厘米)

这个 urhoto 由九个数字组成,位于一个矩形底座上,中心有一个正方形开口。底座的两侧叠加着交错图案,例如双手握着树叶的泥鱼和象鼻,以及山羊和公羊头形式的祭品图案,指的是她的力量和成就。上图是伊约巴被八名女仆包围的画面。与贝宁其他皇家艺术的例子类似,伊约巴的上级地位通过她更大的规模和对珊瑚珠王权的详细描绘来传达。她戴着传统上与她的职位相关的尖顶王冠,以及圆柱形领子、网状衬衫和高级酋长佩戴的交叉带子。围绕伊约巴的女性侍从携带伊约巴重要的徽章,包括圆形扇子、剑和权威权杖。两名年轻女子站在王太后的两侧支撑着她的手臂,国王在出庭时也采取了这种安排。在她身后,一对侍从在她头顶举着盾牌,保护她免受阳光照射。

介绍(英)This cast brass tableau, or urhoto, was originally displayed on an ancestral altar dedicated to the mother of a ruler of the Benin kingdom. The queen mother, or iyoba, occupies an important place within the political hierarchy of the Benin court. By protecting the health and well-being of her son, she helps to safeguard the security and prosperity of the entire kingdom. In light of her position, she is entitled to certain prerogatives enjoyed by high-ranking male titleholders, such as a luxurious palace, a coterie of attendants, and the right to commission sculpture in ivory and brass. After her death, a large altar dedicated to her memory is constructed within the palace and decorated with an assemblage of sculptures that celebrate her achievements and facilitate communication with her spirit in the afterlife.

This urhoto is composed of nine figures upon a rectangular base with a square opening at the center. Motifs referring to her strength and achievements such as mudfish and elephant trunks with hands holding leaves, and those of sacrificial offerings in the form of goat and ram heads, appear on the sides of the base superimposed over an interlace pattern. Above, the iyoba is shown surrounded by a group of eight female servants. Similar to other examples of royal art from Benin, the iyoba's superior rank is communicated through her greater scale and the detailed depiction of coral bead regalia. She wears the peaked crown traditionally associated with her position, as well as a cylindrical collar, netted shirt, and crossed bandoliers worn by high-ranking chiefs. The female attendants who surround the iyoba carry insignia of the iyoba's importance, including circular fans and a sword and staff of authority. Two young women stand on either side of the queen mother to support her arms, an arrangement also assumed by the king when appearing in state. Behind her, a pair of attendants hold shields above her head to protect her from the sun.

The unique crested hairstyle and abundant coral ornaments found on the attendants mark them as women destined for marriage to the king or other major political figures. Raised in the palace by the iyoba herself, their sophistication and education make them valuable partners for powerful courtiers.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。