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品名(英)Profile Warrior Ornament
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 500 - 公元 700
尺寸高 9 5/8 英寸 (24.5 厘米)


这些和其他类似的轮廓图的功能是未知的。据说这些物品是在洛马内格拉的墓地发现的,洛马内格拉是莫切文化最北端的前哨之一。粘附在数字上的纺织品的存在表明这些物体与布料之间的关系,至少在埋葬时是这样,但目前尚不清楚这些金属物体在安葬前是如何使用的。它们可能被附在纺织品横幅上或作为束腰外衣的一部分穿着。这些数字的确切数字尚不确定,但至少已知四个这种规模。虽然这些人物被清楚地描绘成手持狼牙棒向前大步前进,但其他较小的人物被描绘成蹲伏并拿着投掷矛的人。事实上,这个物体及其补体(1987.394.74)和较小的战士人物(1987.394.70-72;1987.394.85-86)朝相反的方向,可能表明他们围绕着一个中心人物或物体,或者被安排在旗帜的两侧。这些较大的数字与来自Loma Negra的较小数字之间的关系尚未确定。

Moche(也称为Mochicas)于公元200-850年在秘鲁北海岸蓬勃发展,比印加人崛起早几个世纪。在大约六个世纪的时间里,莫切人建立了繁荣的区域中心,从南部的内佩尼亚河谷到北部的皮乌拉河,靠近与厄瓜多尔的现代边界,将沿海沙漠发展成肥沃的农田,并利用太平洋洪堡洋流丰富的海洋资源。虽然莫切政治组织的确切性质尚不清楚,但这些中心具有统一的文化特征,如宗教习俗(Donnan,2010)。Loma Negra的金属作品与在南部的Moche遗址(如Ucupe)发现的陶瓷和金属制品具有相似的图像。然而,Loma Negra和Moche"中心地带"之间的确切关系仍然是一个争论的主题(Kaulicke,2006)。


歇,史蒂夫。Les rois mochica: Divinité et pouvoir dans le Pérou ancient.巴黎:索莫吉艺术学院;日内瓦:MEG,日内瓦民族志博物馆,2014年。迪

塞尔霍夫,汉斯-迪特里希。"Metallschmuck aus der Loma Negra, Vicus(北秘鲁)。"《安提克世界报》第3卷(1972年),第43-53页。
介绍(英)This warrior figure, shown in profile, was made from gilded copper sheet by artisans of Peru’s Moche culture. They indicated a walking motion by the way the weight of the figure is on the advanced foot, while the other leg is bent to initiate a step forward. The figure, one of two in the Met’s collection (the other is accession number 1987.394.74), is dressed in traditional Moche warrior regalia. He wears a stepped headdress surmounted by a crescent, and an extension hanging behind the head probably represents his wrapped hair. A tunic and loincloth constitute his garments, and an extension from his waist may represent a back flap, a type of body armor. The headdress, hair wrap, tunic, and back flap have an inscribed pattern of horizontal lines. The lower border of the tunic features intersecting triangles, a detail seen on other Moche figures (see, for example, Met accession number 1979.206.1247).

The warrior’s body is made from a single piece of embossed metal with the arm formed from a supplemental piece attached to torso by an interior flange. The figure grasps a long mace, made of a separate piece of copper, in his left hand. It is possible that a right arm once existed but is now lost. Round dangles suspended from flat copper wires adorn the temple and back of the head. The eye was made of white shell, with a pupil of a different shell type, perhaps purple Spondylus. (The original color of the shell has faded over time.) The warrior was probably covered with textiles when buried, as traces of fabric are embedded in the corrosion and textile impressions are present in the copper patina. A small remnant of what may have been a thick thread is present in a hole in the sole of one foot indicating that this figure may have been sewn or affixed onto a backing of some type.

The function of these and other similar profile figures is unknown. These objects were said to have been found at the burial site of Loma Negra, one of the most northern outposts of Moche culture. The presence of textiles adhered to the figures indicates a relationship between these objects and cloth, at least at the time of burial, but it is unclear how these metal objects were used before interment. They may have been attached to textile banners or worn as part of a tunic. The exact number of these figures is uncertain but at least four of this size are known. Although these figures are clearly depicted striding forward with maces, other, smaller figures are depicted crouching and holding spear throwers. The fact that this object and its complement (1987.394.74), and smaller warrior figures (1987.394.70-72; 1987.394.85-86), face in opposing directions may indicate that they surrounded a central figure or object, or were arranged on two sides of a banner. The relationship of these larger figures to the smaller figures from Loma Negra has not been determined.

The Moche (also known as the Mochicas) flourished on Peru’s North Coast from AD 200-850, centuries before the rise of the Incas. Over the course of some six centuries, the Moche built thriving regional centers from the Nepeña River Valley in the south to perhaps as far north as the Piura River, near the modern border with Ecuador, developing coastal deserts into rich farmlands and drawing upon the abundant maritime resources of the Pacific Ocean’s Humboldt Current. Although the precise nature of Moche political organization is unknown, these centers shared unifying cultural traits such as religious practices (Donnan, 2010). Loma Negra works in metal share similar iconography with ceramics and metalwork found at Moche sites father to the south, such as Ucupe (Bourget, 2014). The exact relationship between Loma Negra and the Moche “heartland,” however, remains a subject of debate (Kaulicke, 2006).

References and Further Reading

Bourget, Steve. Les rois mochica: Divinité et pouvoir dans le Pérou ancient. Paris: Somogy éditions d'art; Geneva: MEG, Musée d'ethnographie de Genève, 2014.

Disselhoff, Hans-Dietrich. "Metallschmuck aus der Loma Negra, Vicus (Nord-Peru)." Antike Welt vol. 3 (1972), pp. 43–53.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。