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品名(英)Bottle with fang motif
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元前 800 - 公元前 550
尺寸高 7 英寸 (17.8 厘米)
介绍(中)这个看似简单的带尖牙嘴的陶瓷瓶是对Cupisnique Chavín宗教传统复杂图像的简要引用,该传统在公元前1200年至500年期间在秘鲁北海岸的社区蓬勃发展,或者,他们会把数字缩小到最显著的特征,比如在本例中,也可以在侧面读作两个尖牙的嘴


獠牙是捕食的象征,提醒人们由谁吃谁决定的自然秩序。Chavín de Huántar是公元前一千年安第斯山脉中部最重要的仪式中心之一,其石雕描绘了具有多种捕食者的獠牙、喙、爪和爪子元素的超自然生物,暗示着一种全能的存在



Burtenshaw Zumstein,Julia T.Cupisnique,Tembladera,Chongoyape,Chavín?秘鲁北部形成时期陶瓷风格的类型学,公元前1800-200年。未发表的博士论文。诺里奇:东安格利亚大学,2014年

Ikehara,Hugo C."多自然主义和透视主义在形式中心。"在los desafíos del tiempo,el espacio and la memoria:Ensayos en homenaje a Peter Kaulick,由R.Vega Centeno和J.Dulando编辑。利马:天主教大学基金会编辑,2020年。

Rowe,John H.Chavin艺术:对其形式和意义的探究。纽约:原始艺术博物馆,1962年。《像考古学家一样看:在Chavín de Huantar的卡斯特罗万岁》,《社会考古杂志》第15期,第2期(2015),第139-59页。
介绍(英)This seemingly simple ceramic bottle with a fanged mouth is a shorthand reference to the complex iconography of the Cupisnique-Chavín religious tradition, which flourished in communities of the Peruvian North Coast between 1200 and 500 B.C. Cupisnique artists often combined features of felines, raptorial birds, and reptiles in a single figure, or they would reduce figures to their most salient features, such as on the present example, which can also be read as two fanged mouths in profile.

Cupisnique potters, who preferred a muted palette, usually the natural hue of the fired clay itself, enhanced the visual interest in their ceramics by creating contrasts between smooth and textured zones. On this vessel, the burnished sections—the lip of the bottle and the fanged mouth—underscore the conceptual link between two orifices, the mouth of the vessel and the mouth of a feline. By contrast, the rest of the vessel’s body is covered with a textured, teardrop-shaped pattern created with the tip of a rounded tool pushed against the soft clay.

Fangs are symbolic of predation, reminders of a natural order that is determined by who eats whom. Stone sculptures at Chavín de Huántar, one of the most important ceremonial centers in the Central Andes during the first millennium B.C., depict supernatural beings with fangs, beaks, claws, and talons—elements of multiple predators—suggesting an all-powerful being.

Hugo C. Ikehara-Tsukayama, Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial/Collection Specialist Fellow, Arts of the Ancient Americas, 2022

Further Reading

Burger, Richard L. Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.

Burtenshaw-Zumstein, Julia T. Cupisnique, Tembladera, Chongoyape, Chavín? A Typology of Ceramic Styles from Formative Period Northern Peru, 1800-200 BC. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Norwich: University of East Anglia, 2014.

Ikehara, Hugo C. "Multinaturalismo y perspectivismo en los centros ceremoniales formativos." In Los desafíos del tiempo, el espacio y la memoria: Ensayos en homenaje a Peter Kaulicke, edited by R. Vega-Centeno and J. Dulanto. Lima: Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020.

Rowe, John H. Chavin Art: An Inquiry into its Form and Meaning. New York: The Museum of Primitive Art, 1962.

Weismantel, Mary. "Seeing Like an Archaeologist: Viveiros de Castro at Chavín de Huantar." Journal of Social Archaeology 15, No 2 (2015), pp. 139-59.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。