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品名(英)Pectoral with Face
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 100 - 公元 700
尺寸高 8 3/4 x 宽 11 x 深 1 3/8 英寸 (22.2 x 27.9 x 3.5 厘米)
介绍(中)一个大的H形鼻吊坠几乎完全遮住了这个金色肾形胸肌中心的面部。胸廓的形状和鼻吊坠的形状都是约托科时期卡利马艺术的标志。约托科时期是三个社会中的第二个 - 伊拉马,约托科 - 马拉加纳和松索 - 先后占领哥伦比亚中西部的考卡河谷地区。这三个社团统称为卡利马文化。


Yotoco艺术品中的面部通常没有表现力,并且代表理想化的类型而不是真正的肖像画。这种类型的脸也常见于头饰饰品(见66.196.24),它们在不同的作品中也几乎没有变化。一些学者认为,卡利马金像与在哥伦比亚中西部考古遗址圣奥古斯丁发现的石雕在风格上相似,因为反复出现以圆顶形帽子为中心图案的无动于衷的面孔。沿胸肌边界的设计由一排凸起的点构成,类似于该地区陶瓷上绘制的装饰细节 胸肌


将戴在胸前,由一根绳子通过位于帽子正上方的两个小孔悬挂。胸肌将作为一套装饰品的一部分佩戴,这些装饰品具有类似的图像元素,装饰着躯干、颈部和头部,几乎完全遮挡了脸部(见 66.196.23、1974.271.51 和 1991.419.40)。身着盛装的卡利马精英们会闪耀着光芒,将太阳的神性和力量引导为生命和更新的源泉。






洛杉矶,洛杉矶县艺术博物馆。 "哥伦布之前的黄金",1964 年 3 月 15 日至 5 月 1 日。

新奥尔良,艾萨克·德尔加多艺术博物馆。 "美国收藏中的古代和现代拉丁美洲艺术",1968 年 5 月 10 日至 6 月 16 日,第 187 期。


纽约,大都会艺术博物馆。 "原始艺术博物馆的大洋洲、非洲和美洲艺术"。1969年5月19日至8月17日,延长至1969年9月1日。

延伸阅读 博特罗、克拉拉·


琼斯,朱莉,编辑。 前哥伦布黄金的艺术:扬·米切尔收藏。纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,1985年。


佩雷斯·德·巴拉达斯,何塞。哥伦比亚前史诗 埃斯蒂洛·卡利马。哥伦比亚波哥大:共和国银行,1954年。


Schrimpff,Marianne Cardale,编辑卡利马和马拉加纳:哥伦比亚西南部的艺术和考古学。哥伦比亚波哥大:卡利马基金会,2005年。
介绍(英)A large H-shaped nose pendant almost entirely obscures the face at the center of this gold, kidney-shaped pectoral. Both the shape of the pectoral and the form of the nose pendant are hallmarks of Yotoco-period Calima art. The Yotoco period was the second of three societies—Ilama, Yotoco-Malagana, and Sonso—to successively occupy the Cauca Valley region in west-central Colombia. The three societies are known collectively as the Calima culture.

The upper portions of the eyes are just visible above the H-shaped pendant, and the head itself is surmounted by a dome shaped cap with a small rectangular crest at the top. Two large, circular, convex ear pendants with concave, circular centers hang from gold wires. The H-shaped pendant itself bears a smaller, more stylized embossed face. Through layers of adornment and repetition, the pectoral simultaneously reveals and conceals faces

Faces in Yotoco artwork are often inexpressive, and represent idealized types rather than true portraiture. This type of face is also commonly found on headdress ornaments (see 66.196.24), where they also bear little variation across different works. Some scholars have suggested stylistic similarities between Calima gold figures and stone sculptures found at San Agustín, an archaeological site in west-central Colombia, due to the recurrence of impassive faces with dome-shaped caps as a central motif. The design along the border of the pectoral, framed by a row of raised dots, resembles decorative details painted on ceramics from this region

The pectoral was shaped by first hammering a gold-copper alloy known as tumbaga into a sheet, which was subsequently cut into the desired shape. The artist could then add details by working the sheet with a bone or metal tool over a soft anvil made of leather or a sack of fine sand. It is likely that the face in high relief was shaped over a mold.

The pectoral would have been worn over the chest, suspended by a cord through the two small holes located directly above the cap. Pectorals would have been worn as part of a suite of ornaments with similar iconographic elements that adorned the torso, neck, and head, almost entirely obscuring the face (see 66.196.23, 1974.271.51, and 1991.419.40). Dressed in full regalia, Calima elites would have shone brightly, channeling the sun’s divinity and force as a source of life and renewal.

Andrés A. Bustamante, 2015

Published References

Falchetti de Sáenz, Ana María. "The Darién Gold Pendants of Ancient Colombia and the Isthmus." Metropolitan Museum Journal, vol. 43 (2008), p. 43.

Jones, Julie, and Heidi King. "Gold of the Americas." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 59, no. 4 (Spring, 2002), p. 12.


New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 1957, 1959, 1966.

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. "Gold Before Columbus," March 15–May 1 1964.

New Orleans, Isaac Delgado Museum of Art. "Art in Ancient and Modern Latin America in U.S. Collections," May 10–June 16 1968, no. 187.

Boston Museum of Fine Arts, December 1 1968-January 12 1969; Chicago Art Institute, February 1–March 9 1969; Richmond Museum of Fine Arts, March 24–April 20 1969. "The Gold of Ancient America: Masterpieces from the Pre-Columbian World."

New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Art of Oceania, Africa and the Americas from the Museum of Primitive Art." May 19–August 17 1969, extended to September 1, 1969.

Further Reading

Botero, Clara Isabel, Roberto Lleras Pérez, Santiago Londoño Vélez and Efraín Sánchez Cabra. The Art of Gold, The Legacy of Pre-Hispanic Colombia: Collection of the Gold Museum of Bogotá. Mexico, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Banco de la República, 2007.

Jones, Julie, ed. The Art of Precolumbian Gold: The Jan Mitchell Collection. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1985.

Jones, Julie, and Heidi King. "Gold of the Americas." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 59, no. 4 (Spring, 2002).

Pérez de Barradas, José. Orfebrería Prehispánica de Colombia Estilo Calima. Bogotá, Colombia: Banco de la República, 1954.

Morand, Marie Claude. Calima: Colombie précolombienne. Martigny, Switzerland: Foundation Pierre Gianadda, 1992.

Schrimpff, Marianne Cardale, ed. Calima and Malagana: Art and Archaeology in Southwestern Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Pro Calima Foundation, 2005.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。