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品名(英)Bottle with caiman
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元前 1000 - 公元前 800
创作地区秘鲁, 滕布拉德拉(Peru, Tembladera)
尺寸高 12 3/4 × 宽 8 1/16 × 深 5 3/8 英寸 (32.4 × 20.5 × 13.7 厘米)
介绍(中)这个动物头形状的瓶子是由一位库比尼克艺术家在公元前 1000 年至 800 年间在秘鲁北海岸制作的。据报道,在Jequetepeque山谷中部的Tembladera墓地或其他附近地点也发现了类似的物体(Alva 1986,Lapiner 1976)。




这个瓶子的成分和成分也反映了这一时期社区之间互动网络的广泛地理范围。虽然是由来自安第斯山脉西坡沿海山谷的陶艺家制作的,但启发图像的动物凯门鳄要么生活在东坡的亚马逊雨林中,要么生活在现代秘鲁 - 厄瓜多尔边境附近的热带景观中。覆盖瓶子大部分深色表面的红色颜料是朱砂,这是一种剧毒物质,但它为画家提供了模仿新鲜血液的非常鲜艳的红色。朱砂来源位于阿亚库乔高地,距离这个瓶子的原产地以南数百英里。

雨果 C. 池原-冢山,安德鲁 W. 梅隆策展/收藏专家研究员,古代美洲艺术,2022


阿尔瓦,沃尔特。Frühe Keramik aus dem Jequetepeque-Tal, Nordperu: Cerámica temprana en el valle de Jequetepeque, norte del Perú.Materialen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie, vol. 31.慕尼黑:贝克出版社,1986年。


布尔滕肖-祖姆斯坦、朱莉娅· 库皮斯尼克、特姆布莱德拉、琼戈亚佩、查文?秘鲁北部形成时期陶瓷风格的类型学,公元前 1800-200 年。未发表的博士论文。诺里奇: 东英吉利大学, 2014.孔

特雷拉斯,丹尼尔· "到孔丘科斯有多远?一种GIS方法,用于评估查文德万塔尔外来材料的影响。世界考古,第43卷,第3期(2011年),第380-397页。

拉皮纳,艾伦· 南美洲前哥伦布时期的艺术。纽约:H.N.艾布拉姆斯,1976年。

Roe,Peter G."如何建造猛禽:为什么敦巴顿橡树"缩放开曼"Callango Textile is Really a Jaguaroid Harpy Eagle",载于Chavin Art, Architecture and Culture,由William J. Conklin和Jeffrey Quilter编辑,第181-216页。洛杉矶: 加州大学科森考古研究所, 2008.
介绍(英)This bottle in the shape of an animal head was crafted by a Cupisnique artist between 1000 and 800 B.C. on the North Coast of Peru. Similar objects have been reportedly found in the Tembladera cemetery or other nearby sites in the middle section of the Jequetepeque Valley (Alva 1986, Lapiner 1976).

The construction of the bottle started with a simple form, a container with a single straight spout. Clay slabs were attached to the sides to create an expanded surface on which incised and appliquéd details were added. Central to the composition is an eye rolling upwards, a motif known today as the "eccentric eye," thought to be a representation of the effects of the consumption of hallucinogenic substances.

Several features suggest that the artist was inspired by a caiman, the largest reptile in South America. The rows of small teeth interspersed with larger canines evoke the caiman’s menacing dentition. Other features are also consistent with this identification. The inscribed circles on the face resemble the spots on the reptile’s skin, the bulbous eye ridges are reminiscent of the protruding eyes, and the spiral behind the eyes could be signaling its covered ears. The row of rectangular shapes with an "L" design above and below the head, and on the back of the vessel, may suggest the rows of thick scales or scutes of the caiman’s body.

Together with felines and raptorial birds, these large reptiles are at the top of the food chain in the Andes. Cupisnique and Chavín artists combined elements of multiple predators to compose fantastic, multispecies bodies. The rectangular motifs that symbolize the scutes of the caiman are identified as feathers in other images, leaving open the possibility that this sculpture is also a chimeric composition, typical of this early art.

The composition and constituents of this bottle also reflect the broad geographical extent of the interaction networks between communities during this period. Although crafted by a potter from a coastal valley on the western slopes of the Andes, the animal that inspired the image, a caiman, lives either in the Amazon rainforest of the eastern slopes, or in the tropical landscapes near the modern Peruvian-Ecuadorian border. The red pigment that covers much of the dark surface of the bottle is cinnabar, a very toxic substance but one that provides painters with a very bright red that mimics fresh blood. Cinnabar sources were located in the Ayacucho highlands, hundreds of miles to the south of the origin of this bottle.

Hugo C. Ikehara-Tsukayama, Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial/Collection Specialist Fellow, Arts of the Ancient Americas, 2022

References and Further Reading

Alva, Walter. Frühe Keramik aus dem Jequetepeque-Tal, Nordperu: Cerámica temprana en el valle de Jequetepeque, norte del Perú. Materialen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie, vol. 31. München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1986.

Burger, Richard L. Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.

Burtenshaw-Zumstein, Julia T. Cupisnique, Tembladera, Chongoyape, Chavín? A Typology of Ceramic Styles from Formative Period Northern Peru, 1800-200 BC. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Norwich: University of East Anglia, 2014.

Contreras, Daniel A. "How Far to Conchucos? A GIS Approach to Assessing the Implications of Exotic Materials at Chavín de Huántar." World Archaeology, vol 43, no 3 (2011), pp. 380-397.

Lapiner, Alan C. Pre-Columbian Art of South America. New York: H. N. Abrams, 1976.

Roe, Peter G. "How to Build a Raptor: Why the Dumbarton Oaks "Scaled Cayman" Callango Textile is Really a Jaguaroid Harpy Eagle" in Chavin Art, Architecture and Culture, edited by William J. Conklin and Jeffrey Quilter, pp. 181-216. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, 2008.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。