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品名(英)Palma with Figure
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 600 - 公元 1000
创作地区墨西哥, 韦拉克鲁斯, 瑙特拉地区(?)(Mexico, Veracruz, Nautla region (?))
尺寸高 18 7/8 x 宽 7 x 深 4 3/4 英寸 (47.9 x 17.8 x 12.1 厘米)
介绍(中)帕尔马斯因其棕榈叶形状而得名,是中美洲球手所穿精致王冠的一个元素。它们放在球员臀部的轭上,将球手胸部的中间延伸,以保护主要器官免受比赛中使用的硬橡胶球的冲击。虽然哈查斯在中美洲分布更广泛,但棕榈树似乎是韦拉克鲁斯的创新。戴着手掌的球手被描绘在古典时期韦拉克鲁斯州最大城市El Tajín的浮雕上。

在雕刻这张手掌时,艺术家将低浮雕和高浮雕相结合,描绘了一个被卷轴图案包围和重叠的人物形象。这些是松散绘制的,打破了经典韦拉克鲁斯艺术中常见的雕刻或绘制双刃卷轴中常见的规律性,可能代表血液或藤蔓(另见MMA 1979.206.423)。它们围绕着中心人物旋转,他的腿和手臂似乎在以自己的顺时针运动移动。该人物的头骨状头部与其动画身体形成鲜明对比,在生与死之间移动。以高浮雕渲染的头骨与帕尔马本身的向外曲线一起推入真实空间,并以其直接的凝视吸引观众。


帕特里夏·琼·萨罗,2017 年出版参考原始艺术




厄尔利、凯特琳·在《艺术史的希尔布伦大年表》中。纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,2000-。 http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mball/hd_mball.htm(2017年6月)

赫尔穆斯,尼古拉斯。埃斯昆特拉囤积。FLAAR 进度报告 1:2/1975。

昆茨,雷克斯。闪电之神和羽蛇:埃尔塔金的公共雕塑。奥斯汀: 德克萨斯大学出版社, 2009.

Leyenaar, Ted J.J. Ulama, Jeu de Balle des Olmeques aux Azteques — 球赛,从奥尔梅克人到阿兹特克人。洛桑:奥林匹克博物馆,1997年。

斯科特,约翰F."穿着杀戮:中美洲球赛的石头王室"。在《生与死的运动》,《中美洲球赛》,E. Michael Whittington编辑,第50-63页。纽约:泰晤士河和哈德逊河,2001年。


威尔克森,S.杰弗里K."然后他们被牺牲了"。在中美洲球赛中。Vernon L. Scarborough和David R. Wilcox,编辑,第45-72页。图森: 亚利桑那大学出版社, 1991.
介绍(英)Palmas, named for their palm frond shape, were one element of the elaborate regalia worn by Mesoamerican ballplayers. Resting atop the yoke worn around the player’s hips, they extended up the middle of the ballplayer's chest to protect major organs from the impact of the hard rubber ball used in the game. While hachas are more widely distributed in Mesoamerica, palmas appear to have been a Veracruz innovation. Ballplayers wearing palmas are depicted on the relief sculptures of El Tajín, the largest city in classic-period Veracruz.

In sculpting this palma, the artist has combined low and high relief to depict a human figure surrounded and overlapped by a pattern of scrolls. These are loosely drawn, breaking with the regularity usually found in the sculpted or drawn double-edges scrolls common in Classic Veracruz art and may represent blood or vines (see also MMA 1979.206.423). They swirl around the central figure, whose legs and arms appear to be moving in a clockwise motion of their own. The figure’s skull-like head contrasts with its animated body, moving between life and death. The skull, rendered in high relief, together with the outward curve of the palma itself pushes into real space, and engages the viewer with its direct gaze.

Ballgame-related images from Veracruz depict the blood of sacrificial victims in the process of transformation from the blood of death into living vines. Bursting forth from the chest of a sacrificial victim, the blood offering to the deities is believed to return as the gift of fertility and rebirth. In this palma’s image, the figure’s bare skull signifies death while, in contrast, its intense gaze and active stance suggest the renewal of life.

Patricia Joan Sarro, 2017

Published references

Art of Oceania, Africa, and the Americas from the Museum of Primitive Art. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1969, fig. 582.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 12, The Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Americas. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989, fig. 85.

Additional reading
Ceremonial Sculpture of Ancient Veracruz. New York: Long Island University, 1987.

Earley, Caitlin C. "The Mesoamerican Ballgame." In The Hilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mball/hd_mball.htm (June 2017)

Hellmuth, Nicholas. The Escuintla Hoards. FLAAR Progress reports 1:2/1975.

Koontz, Rex. Lightning Gods and Feathered Serpents: The Public Sculpture of El Tajín. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009.

Leyenaar, Ted J.J. Ulama, Jeu de Balle des Olmeques aux Azteques — Ballgame, from the Olmecs to the Aztecs. Lausanne: Musée Olympique, 1997.

Newton, Douglas. Masterpieces of Primitive Art: The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.
Scott, John F. "Dressed to Kill: Stone Regalia of the Mesoamerican Ballgame". In The Sport of Life and Death, The Mesoamerican Ballgame, E. Michael Whittington, ed, pp. 50–63. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2001.

Shook, Edwin M. and Elayne Marquis. Secrets in Stone: Yokes, Hachas and Palmas from Southern Mesoamerica. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1996.

Wilkerson, S. Jeffrey K. "And Then They Were Sacrificed". In The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Vernon L. Scarborough and David R. Wilcox, eds, pp.45–72. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。