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品名(英)Deity Censer (Xantil)
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 1200 - 公元 1521
尺寸高 22 5/8 x 宽 15 1/8 x 深 9 英寸 (57.5 x 38.4 x 22.9 厘米)

这种香炉创建于现代普埃布拉东南角的特瓦坎山谷,属于后古典晚期(约 1200-1500 年)东纳瓦人中流行的一类物品。这些陶瓷火盆被称为xantiles(sing.xantil),用作一种称为copal(树树脂)的香的容器,燃烧时会产生浓浓的麝香烟雾。烟雾从这些拟人化容器的中央室上升,然后从手、胸部、嘴巴和鼻孔的洞中滚滚而出。通过这种方式,燔祭使仪式实践者能够与神灵交流。

头饰、吊坠流苏、丰富的彩色和几何形状的组合将这种 xantil 确定为神 Xochipilli("花王子")。他是被称为Macuiltonaleque或"五个灵魂"的神灵团体的成员,是音乐,舞蹈,盛宴和性的赞助人。有关The Metropolitan收藏中的Xochipilli和其他Macuiltonalique人物的其他示例,请参阅00.5.8,>1979.206.368,以及2012.517.2.

William T. Gassaway,2014–15 Sylvan C. Coleman和Pamela Coleman研究员



Boone,Elizabeth H. 墨西哥命运之书中的时间和意义循环。奥斯汀: 德克萨斯大学出版社, 2007.


休斯顿、斯蒂芬·D.、大卫·斯图尔特和卡尔·陶布。骨骼的记忆:经典玛雅人的身体、存在和经验。奥斯汀: 德克萨斯大学出版社, 2006.

米尔布拉斯,苏珊。"博吉亚法典29-46图像中的天文周期。"在新世界宇宙学中的文化天文学中,由Clive Ruggles和Gary Urton编辑,157-207。博尔德: 科罗拉多大学出版社, 2007.


介绍(英)This effigy censer depicts a seated deity with bent arms and hollow legs drawn up to either side of its cylindrical body. Supported by a long, thick neck, its oversized head features a pair of coarsely modeled ears bearing disc-shaped earspools. The deity’s open mouth exposes a row of teeth bounded by a pair of pointed, jaguar-like incisors at each corner. Atop its cap-like headdress, a crest of tubular representations of feathers extends vertically as a pair of modeled tassels dangles from rosettes along the back portion of the head.

Created in the Tehuacan Valley of the southeast corner of modern-day Puebla, this censer belongs to a class of objects popular among the Eastern Nahua peoples of the Late Postclassic period (ca. 1200–1500). Known as xantiles (sing. xantil), these ceramic braziers functioned as receptacles for a type of incense known as copal (tree resin) that, when burned, produced a thick, musky smoke. Rising through the central chamber of these anthropomorphic vessels, the smoke then billowed forth from holes pierced in the hands, chest, mouth, and nostrils. In this way, the burnt offerings allowed ritual practitioners to communicate with the gods.

The combination of headdress, pendant tassels, rich polychrome and geometric shapes identifies this xantil as the god Xochipilli ("Flower Prince"). A member of the group of deities known as the Macuiltonaleque, or "Five Souls," he was a patron of music, dance, feasting, and sexuality. For additional examples of Xochipilli and other Macuiltonaleque figures in The Metropolitan’s collection, see 00.5.8, 1979.206.368, and 2012.517.2.

William T. Gassaway, 2014–15 Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Fellow


Resources and Additional Reading<

Boone, Elizabeth H. Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007.

Houston, Stephen D., and Karl Taube. "An Archaeology of the Senses: Perception and Cultural Expression in Ancient Mesoamerica." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 10, no. 2 (2000): 261–94.

Houston, Stephen D., David Stuart, and Karl Taube. The Memory of Bones: Body, Being, and Experience among the Classic Maya. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.

Milbrath, Susan. "Astronomical Cycles in the Imagery of Codex Borgia 29-46." In Cultural Astronomy in New World Cosmologies, edited by Clive Ruggles and Gary Urton, 157–207. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2007.

Nicholson, Henry B. "The Mixteca-Puebla Concept Revisited." In The Art and Iconography of Late Post-Classic Central Mexico: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, October 22nd and 23rd, 1977, edited by Elizabeth H. Boone. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees of Harvard University, 1982.

Pohl, John M. D. Sorcerers of the Fifth Heaven: Nahua Art and Ritual of Ancient Southern Mexico. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Program in Latin American Studies, 2007.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。