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品名(英)Figure Bottle
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 300 - 公元 600
尺寸高 8 1/2 英寸 (21.59 厘米)
介绍(中)这个以男人形状建模的陶瓷瓶涂有彩色纸条(粘土悬浮在水中),表明他的衣服、帽子和其他细节。该船的中空体由秘鲁南海岸的纳斯卡文化陶艺家制作,有一个圆柱形的喷口,从后面发出,并通过一座薄桥连接到头部后部。描绘了这个人物戴着一顶栗色和黑色的编织帽,下边缘有一条白色带子。多条黑色线从帽上垂下,沿着头部的两侧和后部垂下。人物的主要服装在白色背景上具有红色和黑色条纹。人物右手拿着似乎是条纹布的东西,一根细长的黑色长矛或警棍,斜着穿过人物的前部,从左肩下降到纺织品包裹的右下角(见Lapiner 1976:205,图486,举一个拿着长矛的纳斯卡人物的例子)。这个人物似乎留着小胡子,他的支票、额头和眼睛两侧都有面部装饰。他的左脸颊略微凸起可能表明古柯是赤藓科的栽培植物,其叶子被咀嚼作为温和的兴奋剂。上颌似乎凹陷或缺失,鼻子缩小到简单的鼻孔。这可能提示晚期利什曼病或颅面畸形。



拉瓦莱,何塞·安东尼奥。纳斯卡。Culturas Precolombinas.秘鲁利马:秘鲁信贷银行,1989年。

Pardo,Cecilia和Peter Fux,编辑。纳斯卡。呵呵。猫。秘鲁利马:利马艺术博物馆协会;瑞士苏黎世:里特贝格博物馆,2017年。普鲁克斯、唐纳德·纳斯卡陶瓷图像学资料集:通过艺术阅读文化。爱荷华市: 爱荷华大学出版社, 2006.

里肯巴赫,朱迪思。纳斯卡:秘鲁的Geheimnisvolle Zeichen。呵呵。猫。苏黎世:里特贝格博物馆,1999年。
介绍(英)This ceramic bottle modeled in the shape of a man was painted with polychrome slips (a suspension of clay in water) indicating his garments, cap, and other details. Made by potters of the Nasca culture on Peru’s south coast, the hollow body of the vessel has a cylindrical spout emanating from the back and connecting via a thin bridge to the rear of the head. The figure is depicted wearing a woven cap in maroon and black with a white band along the lower edge. Multiple black threads hang down from the cap along the sides and back of the head. The figure’s primary garment features red and black stripes on a white background. The figure holds what appear to be a striped cloth in his proper right hand, and a thin black spear or baton that is shown diagonally across the front of the figure descending from the left shoulder to the lower right of the textile wrap (see Lapiner 1976: 205, Fig. 486, for an example of a Nasca figure with a spear). The figure appears to have a small beard as well as facial decorations on his checks, forehead, and on both sides of his eyes. A slight bulge in his left cheek may indicate a quid of coca, cultivated plants of the Erythroxylaceae family whose leaves were chewed as a mild stimulant. The upper jaw seems to be recessed or missing and the nose reduced to simple nostrils. This may indicate either advanced leishmaniasis or a craniofacial dysmorphia.

The Nasca inhabited the fertile coastal valleys of southern Peru and were great innovators in both ceramic technology and textile fabrication. Nasca potters were early developers of the use of polychrome slips and deployed them to depict animals, plants, deities, and individuals performing different tasks. Textile production, which was advanced in all cultures in ancient Peru, reached a very high level in the Nasca period, particularly the variety of techniques, materials, and overall quality. Although this individual wears a rather simple wrap, other textiles used embroidery, feathers, tie-dye, and other variations. The arid desert environment of the Peruvian south coast has permitted the preservation of many of these weavings (see, for example, works in the Met’s collection, including 28.171.13 and 29.146.23).

Lavalle, José Antonio and José Alejandro González García, series directors. Arte textil del Perú. Lima, Peru: Industria Textil Piura, 1988-1989.

Lavalle, José Antonio. Nazca. Culturas Precolombinas. Lima, Peru: Banco de Crédito del Perú, 1989.

Pardo, Cecilia, and Peter Fux, editors. Nasca. Exh. cat. Lima, Peru: Asociación Museo de Arte de Lima; Zürich, Switzerland: Museo Rietberg, 2017. Proulx, Donald A. A Sourcebook of Nasca Ceramic Iconography: Reading a Culture through its Art. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2006.

Rickenbach, Judith. Nasca: Geheimnisvolle Zeichen im alten Peru. Exh. cat. Zürich: Museum Rietberg, 1999.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。