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品名(英)Stirrup Spout Bottle with Sleeping Warrior
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 100 - 公元 400
尺寸高 8 1/4 × 宽 5 英寸 (21 × 12.7 厘米)
介绍(中)这个陶瓷瓶以沉睡的战士的形状为模型,他的服装细节以白色和红棕色衬裙(粘土和/或其他着色剂在水中的悬浮液)呈现。这个人物戴着一个圆锥形头盔,用下巴带固定在头部,并装饰着缝在下边缘的小金属盘。他项链的三角形元素让人想起在高地位墓葬中发现的金属或贝壳制成的元素(例如,参见Alva and Donnan 1993:75,图74)。人物的束腰外衣底部有几何设计;身体油漆(或可能的纹身)显示在小腿和鼻子上。脚

伸的人物是莫切艺术中相对常见的姿势(例如,参见入藏号64.228.34),但这一姿势的意义尚不清楚。这是一个经过艰苦战斗后休息的人吗?由于缺乏可追溯到这一时期的历史文本,对这种图像的解释受到了挑战。这艘船是由莫切文化的艺术家制作的,该文化于公元 200-850 年在秘鲁北海岸蓬勃发展,比印加人崛起早几个世纪(卡斯蒂略,2017 年)。在大约六个世纪的时间里,莫切人建立了繁荣的区域中心,从南部的内佩尼亚河谷到北部的皮乌拉河,靠近与厄瓜多尔的现代边界,将沿海沙漠发展成肥沃的农田,并利用太平洋洪堡洋流丰富的海洋资源。虽然莫切人从未形成一个单一的中央集权政治实体,但他们共享统一的文化特征,如宗教习俗(Donnan 2010)。这种马镫喷口

容器 - 喷口的形状让人想起马鞍上的马镫 - 在秘鲁北部海岸制造了大约2,500年。尽管这种独特形状的象征意义仍然令学者们感到困惑,但有人认为双分支/单喷口配置可能减轻了液体的蒸发,或者便于携带,或两者兼而有之。早在公元一千年,莫切人就将马镫嘴瓶制作成雕塑形状,描绘了广泛的主题,包括人物、动物和植物,所有这些都与大量的自然主义有关。大约500年后,瓶室主要变成球形,为绘制复杂的多人物场景提供了大表面(例如,参见大都会收藏中的另一艘船,入藏号82.1.29)。





Alva,Walter和Christopher Donnan。西潘皇家陵墓。洛杉矶:福勒文化历史博物馆,加州大学洛杉矶分校,1993年,第168页,图。183.

卡斯蒂略,路易斯·海梅。"宇宙之主:莫切艺术家及其赞助人。"在《黄金王国:古代美洲的奢侈品艺术》(Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas)一书中,由Joanne Pillsbury、Timothy Potts和Kim N. Richter编辑。洛杉矶:J. 保罗·盖蒂博物馆,2017 年,第 24-31 页。

唐南,克里斯托弗· 古代秘鲁的陶瓷。洛杉矶:福勒文化历史博物馆,加州大学洛杉矶分校,1992年。

唐南、克里斯托弗·在由Jeffrey Quilter和Luis Jaime Castillo编辑的Moche政治组织的新视角中。华盛顿特区:敦巴顿橡树研究图书馆和收藏,2010 年,第 47-69 页。

唐南,克里斯托弗·B·莫切 来自古代秘鲁的肖像。奥斯汀:Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture,德克萨斯大学出版社,2003年。

白邦瑞、乔安妮、蒂莫西·波茨和金·里希特。黄金王国:古代美洲的奢侈品艺术,洛杉矶:J. Paul Getty 博物馆,2017 年,第 155 页,猫。第41号。
介绍(英)This ceramic bottle was modeled in the shape of a sleeping warrior, with details of his attire rendered in white and reddish-brown slip (a suspension of clay and/or other colorants in water). The figure wears a conical helmet, secured to the head with a chinstrap, and embellished with what appear to be small metal disks sewn to the lower edge. The triangular elements of his necklace recall those made of metal or shell found in high-status burials (see, for example, Alva and Donnan 1993:75, fig. 74). The figure’s tunic features a geometrical design along the bottom; body paint (or possibly tattooing) is indicated on the calves and nose.

Figures with their feet drawn up is a relatively common pose in Moche art (see, for example, accession number 64.228.34), yet the significance of this position is unclear. Is this an individual resting after an arduous battle? The interpretation of this imagery is challenged by the absence of historical texts dating to this period. This vessel was made by artists of the Moche culture, which flourished on Peru’s North Coast from 200-850 A.D., centuries before the rise of the Incas (Castillo, 2017). Over the course of some six centuries, the Moche built thriving regional centers from the Nepeña River Valley in the south to perhaps as far north as the Piura River, near the modern border with Ecuador, developing coastal deserts into rich farmlands and drawing upon the abundant maritime resources of the Pacific Ocean’s Humboldt Current. Although the Moche never formed a single centralized political entity, they shared unifying cultural traits such as religious practices (Donnan 2010).

Such stirrup-spout vessels—the shape of the spout recalls the stirrup on a horse's saddle—were made on Peru's northern coast for some 2,500 years. Although the symbolism of this distinctive shape is still puzzling to scholars, it has been suggested that the double-branch/single-spout configuration may have mitigated the evaporation of liquids, or that it was convenient for carrying, or both. Early in the first millennium A.D., the Moche elaborated stirrup-spout bottles into sculptural shapes depicting a wide range of subjects, including human figures, animals, and plants, all worked with a great deal of naturalism. About 500 years later, bottle chambers became predominantly globular, providing large surfaces for painting complex multi-figure scenes (see, for example, another vessel in the Met’s collection, accession number 82.1.29).

Published references

Wassermann-San Blás, Bruno John. Céramicas del antiguo Perú de la colección Wassermann-San Blás. Buenos Aires: Bruno John Wassermann-San Blás, 1938, no. 372, p. 212.

Sawyer, Alan Reed. Ancient Peruvian Ceramics: The Nathan Cummings Collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1966, no. 59, p. 43.

References and further reading

Alva, Walter and Christopher Donnan. Royal Tombs of Sipan. Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles, 1993, p. 168, fig. 183.

Castillo, Luis Jaime. "Masters of the Universe: Moche Artists and Their Patrons." In Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas, edited by Joanne Pillsbury, Timothy Potts, and Kim N. Richter. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017, pp. 24-31.

Donnan, Christopher B. Ceramics of Ancient Peru. Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992.

Donnan, Christopher B. "Moche State Religion." In New Perspectives on Moche Political Organization, edited by Jeffrey Quilter and Luis Jaime Castillo. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2010, pp. 47-69.

Donnan, Christopher B. Moche Portraits from Ancient Peru. Austin: Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture, University of Texas Press, 2003.

Pillsbury, Joanne, Timothy Potts, and Kim N. Richter. Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas, Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017, p. 155, cat. no. 41.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。