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品名(英)Angle d'Une Cour Intérieure de la Grande Pagode
入馆年号1999年,2005.100.501 (34)
创作者Emile Gsell【1838 至 1879】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1866
尺寸22.7 x 17.7厘米 (8 15/16 x 6 15/16英寸)
介绍(中)1859年,海军上将里高·德·热诺伊(Rigault de Genouilly)征服西贡,随后法国的影响力在印度支那和柬埔寨蔓延,这是第二帝国的第一次殖民成功。为了纪念这一成就,这位海军上将在1867年向欧仁妮皇后赠送了这本装订精美的照片集,名为"Cochinchine et Cambodge"。该相册包括 26 张印度支那和 21 张柬埔寨图像,包括 15 张吴哥遗址景观。这些照片是由驻扎在西贡的法国人 M. Gsell 拍摄的,除了 1866 年 6 月他陪同海军上尉杜达特·德·拉格雷(Doudart de Lagrée)沿着湄公河执行科学任务外,人们对他一无所知。任务从对吴哥窟的摄影调查开始。
1850年,欧洲人传到了丛林中一座废弃城市的报告,1863年,de Lagrée对废墟进行了第一次考古探索。吴哥窟是所有高棉古迹中最好和最广泛的,建于十二世纪初,是一座象征着须弥山的寺庙,须弥山是佛教和印度教宇宙中心的宇宙山。它在十八世纪被遗弃,到拍摄这张照片时,它的许多建筑已经被森林所取代。格塞尔拍摄的主庙、围墙和护城河的照片是相当简单的文件,很少关注废墟中体现的建筑与自然之间的戏剧性领土斗争。然而,这幅寺庙内法院一角的图像设法在其戏剧性的灯光和对相同建筑细节的痴迷堆积中传达出巨大石头结构的神秘和令人眼花缭乱的生命力。这幅图像让人联想到鲁道夫·布雷斯丁和古斯塔夫·多雷的版画的梦幻效果,是选择作为木刻来说明弗朗西斯·卡尼尔的"印度探险之旅,1866-7-8"的第一部分的景观之一,该作品出现在期刊"1870 年的 Le Tour du Monde"中。
介绍(英)The conquest of Saigon in 1859 by Admiral Rigault de Genouilly and the ensuing spread of French influence through Indochina and Cambodia was the first colonial success of the Second Empire. To commemorate the achievement the admiral, having become minister of the Navy, presented Empress Eugénie in 1867 with this luxuriously bound album of photographs entitled "Cochinchine et Cambodge." Comprising twenty-six images of Indochina and twenty-one of Cambodia, the album includes fifteen views of the ruins of Angkor. The photographs were made by M. Gsell, a Frenchman stationed in Saigon, of whom nothing more is yet known except that in June 1866 he accompanied the naval captain Doudart de Lagrée on a scientific mission along the Mekong River. The mission began with a photographic survey of Angkor.
Reports of an abandoned city in the jungle had reached Europeans in 1850, and in 1863 de Lagrée conducted the first archaeological exploration of the ruins. The finest and most extensive of all Khmer monuments, Angkor Wat was built early in the twelfth century as a temple symbolizing Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the Buddhist and Hindu universe. It had been abandoned in the eighteenth century, and by the time this photograph was made many of its buildings had been overtaken by the forest. Gsell's photographs of the main temple, its surrounding wall, and moat are rather straightforward documents that show little concern for the dramatic territorial struggle between architecture and nature embodied in the ruins. This image, however, of a corner of a court within the temple, manages to convey in its dramatic lighting and obsessive piling up of identical architectural details something of the mystery and bewildering vitality of the huge stone structure. Reminiscent in its dreamlike effect of engravings by Rodolphe Bresdin and Gustave Doré, the image was among the views chosen to illustrate, as a woodcut, the first installment of Francis Garnier's "Voyage d'Exploration en Indo-Chine, 1866-7-8," which appeared in the periodical "Le Tour du Monde in 1870."
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。