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品名(中)Slave Pen,弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市
品名(英)Slave Pen, Alexandria, Virginia
创作者Andrew Joseph Russell【1830 至 1902】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1863
尺寸图像: 25.6 x 36.5厘米 (10 1/16 x 14 3/8英寸) Mount: 12 3/16 × 16 9/16 英寸 (31 × 42 厘米)
1830年至1836年间,在美国棉花市场的鼎盛时期,哥伦比亚特区(当时包括弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市)被认为是奴隶贸易的所在地。首都最臭名昭著、最成功的公司是富兰克林&;Armfield,他的奴隶笔在这里以后来主人的名字显示。有三到四百名奴隶被定期关在大的、锁得严严实实的牢房里,卖给南方种植园主。根据亚历山大·加德纳(Alexander Gardner)的一篇笔记,他发表了类似的观点,"在战争之前,一个三岁的孩子在亚历山德里亚的售价约为50美元,一个健全的男人的售价在一千到一千八百美元之间。一个女人根据她的年龄和个人魅力会带来五百到一千五百美元。"。"
介绍(英)Better known for his later views commissioned by the Union Pacific Railroad, A. J. Russell, a captain in the 141st New York Infantry Volunteers, was one of the few Civil War photographers who was also a soldier. As a photographer-engineer for the U.S. Military Railroad Con struction Corps, Russell's duty was to make a historical record of both the technical accomplishments of General Herman Haupt's engineers and the battlefields and camp sites in Virginia. This view of a slave pen in Alexandria guarded, ironically, by Union officers shows Russell at his most insightful; the pen had been converted by the Union Army into a prison for captured Confederate soldiers.
Between 1830 and 1836, at the height of the American cotton market, the District of Columbia, which at that time included Alexandria, Virginia, was considered the seat of the slave trade. The most infamous and successful firm in the capital was Franklin & Armfield, whose slave pen is shown here under a later owner's name. Three to four hundred slaves were regularly kept on the premises in large, heavily locked cells for sale to Southern plantation owners. According to a note by Alexander Gardner, who published a similar view, "Before the war, a child three years old, would sell in Alexandria, for about fifty dollars, and an able-bodied man at from one thousand to eighteen hundred dollars. A woman would bring from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars, according to her age and personal attractions."
Late in the 1830s Franklin and Armfield, already millionaires from the profits they had made, sold out to George Kephart, one of their former agents. Although slavery was outlawed in the District in 1850, it flourished across the Potomac in Alexandria. In 1859, Kephart joined William Birch, J. C. Cook, and C. M. Price and conducted business under the name of Price, Birch & Co. The partnership was dissolved in 1859, but Kephart continued operating his slave pen until Union troops seized the city in the spring of 1861.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。