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品名(英)[The Great Man Has Fallen]
创作者Robert H. Vance【0 至 1876】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1856
尺寸13.5 × 18.8 厘米 (5 5/16 × 7 3/8 英寸) Case: 2 × 23 × 18 厘米 (13/16 × 9 1/16 × 7 1/16 英寸)
介绍(中)罗伯特·万斯(Robert Vance)是加利福尼亚州和旧金山附近采矿社区的首席匕首打字员,1848年在旧金山首次发现黄金。1851年,他在纽约市展出了300多幅美国最新州的景色。不幸的是,这些照片最初由杰里迈亚·格尼获得,后来由约翰·菲茨吉本获得,自本世纪初以来一直丢失<这部全版银版照相术是一部引人入胜的边疆历史文献。它纪念了旧金山《晚报》编辑詹姆斯·金(James King of William)的惨死,以及谋杀他的凶手詹姆斯·凯西(JamesP.Casey)的公开私刑。1856年5月14日晚,威廉国王(他在法律上加了"of William",以区别于其他詹姆斯国王),一名与当地邪恶和腐败作斗争的揭发丑闻的记者,在办公室外被当地政治家、《星期日泰晤士报》的竞争编辑凯西枪杀。"在当天的社论中,威廉国王指控凯西选举舞弊,并指控他是一名曾因抢劫情妇而在纽约新新监狱服刑的前科犯。这座城市奋起反抗,几天后,威廉国王去世,一群治安维持者将凯西从警长办公室带走,并将他从一个废弃的酒类仓库上的绞刑架上私刑处死因此,tograph记录了该市第二届警戒委员会(第一届可追溯到1851年)的成功。在向西扩张的最初几年,有声望的人通常会组织警戒委员会来帮助镇压犯罪。私刑是对违法行为的典型惩罚,需要最极端的惩罚形式。1851年和1856年,旧金山的狂乱时期最终因这些团体的行动而结束。Smiley,Yerkes&;这家由拍卖商和佣金商组成的公司位于萨克拉门托街和桑瑟姆街的拐角处,距离万斯的萨克拉门特街和蒙哥马利街工作室只有一个街区。T·J·L·斯迈利是1851年警戒委员会的特许成员。
介绍(英)Robert Vance was the premier daguerreotypist of California and the mining communities near San Francisco, where gold was first discovered in 1848. In 1851 he exhibited in New York City more than three hundred views of the nation's newest state. Unfortunately these photographs, acquired first by Jeremiah Gurney and later by John Fitzgibbon, have been lost since the early years of this century.
This whole plate daguerreotype is a fascinating document of frontier history. It memorializes the cruel death of James King of William, the editor of the San Francisco "Evening Bulletin," and the public lynching of his murderer, James P. Casey. On the evening of May 14, 1856, King of William (he had legally added "of William" to distinguish himself from other James Kings), a muckraking journalist who fought local vice and corruption, was shot outside his office by Casey, a local politician and rival editor of the "Sunday Times." In that day's editorial King of William had accused Casey of election fraud and of being an ex-convict who had served time in New York at Sing Sing for robbing his mistress. The city rose up in arms, and several days later, when King of William died, a mob of vigilantes removed Casey from the sheriff's office and lynched him from gallows erected on an abandoned liquor warehouse.
The photograph thus documents the success of the city's second Committee of Vigilance (the first dated to 1851). In the early years of westward expansion it was customary for reputable men to organize vigilance committees to aid in the suppression of crime. Lynching was the typical penalty for transgressions that called for the most extreme form of punishment. In both 1851 and 1856, periods of wild disorder in San Francisco were ultimately terminated by the action of such groups. Smiley, Yerkes & Company, auctioneers and commission merchants, was located at the corner of Sacramento and Sansome Streets, just one block from Vance's Sacramento and Montgomery Street studio. T. J. L. Smiley was a charter member of the 1851 Committee of Vigilance.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。