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品名(中)Abo sembil,大spéos,巨大的雕像前视图(下)
品名(英)Abo-Sembil, Grand Spéos, Statues Colossales vues de Face (Parte Inférieure)
创作者Félix Teynard【1817 至 1892】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1851 - 公元 1852
尺寸图像: 24.3 x 30.8 厘米 (9 9/16 x 12 1/8 英寸) Mount: 37.9 x 50.1 厘米 (14 15/16 x 19 3/4 英寸)
介绍(中)费利克斯·泰纳德(Félix Teynard)是格勒诺布尔的一名土木工程师,于1851-52年前往埃及,其明确目的是更新埃及的标准建筑参考资料"埃及描述",这是拿破仑的学者团队在1809年至1829年间发行的超大版画的豪华出版物。泰纳德的调查,160 张盐渍纸印刷品和随附文字,于 1853 年至 1858 年出版,名为"埃及和努比,遗址和纪念碑以及艺术和历史研究的内特人"......幸存下来的整套不到十几套。
泰纳德拍摄了从开罗到努比亚的遗址,显然对古代建筑师和建筑商的工程技能感到惊奇。他从多个有利位置工作,对人造建筑的物理性有着不同寻常的把握 - 它们的大小和在空间中的位置,它们的材料和装饰,以及它们的保护状态。他的方法在图形上是创新的,正如他对阿布辛贝的十二种观点之一所见。这座大神庙的这个细节显示了前景中不断侵蚀的沙漠,四个六十五英尺高的巨像中的两个 - 埃及最大的 - 切入砂岩悬崖。从二十世纪的有利位置来看,大胆的头部裁剪似乎绝对是现代的,泰纳德在随附的盘子注释中承认了这一点:"有利位置太低,无法在不扭曲的情况下包含保存下来的庞然大物的头部。出于这个原因,我们更喜欢只拍摄巨像的下部,这可以通过下一张照片来完成,因为它们都描绘了同一个人。
几乎所有泰纳德已知的照片都贴在左下角的版画家H. de Fonteny的支架上。然而,这张照片是印有泰纳德自己名字的几张罕见例子之一。这表明摄影师本人可能在德丰特尼的公司于 1854 年关闭后打印了一组底片来完成出版。
介绍(英)A civil engineer based in Grenoble, Félix Teynard traveled to Egypt in 1851-52 with the express purpose of updating the standard architectural reference on Egypt, "Description de l'Egypte," a lavish publication of oversized engravings issued by Napoleon's team of savants between 1809 and 1829. Teynard's survey, 160 salted paper prints with accompanying text, was published from 1853 to 1858 as "Egypte et Nubie, sites et monuments les plus intéressantes pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoire".... Fewer than a dozen complete sets have survived.
Teynard photographed the sites from Cairo to Nubia with evident wonder at the engineering skills of the ancient architects and builders. He worked from multiple vantage points and had an uncommon grasp of the physicality of man-made constructions--their size and placement in space, their materials and decoration, and their state of conservation. His approach was graphically innovative, as is seen in one of his twelve views of Abu Simbel. This detail of the great temple shows the encroaching desert in the foreground and two of the four sixty-five-foot colossi--the largest in Egypt--cut into the sandstone cliffs. From a twentieth-century vantage point, the daring cropping of the head seems decidedly modern, a condition that Teynard acknowledged in the note accompanying the plate: "The vantage point was too low to allow inclusion of the head of the preserved colossus without distortion. For this reason, we preferred to take only the lower parts of the colossi, which can be completed by means of the next photograph, since they all depict the same person."
Virtually all of Teynard's known photographs are affixed to mounts that credit his printmaker, H. de Fonteny, on the lower left margin. This photograph, however, is one of several rare examples stamped with Teynard's own name. It suggests that the photographer may himself have printed a set of negatives to complete the publication after de Fonteny's firm closed in 1854.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。