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品名(英)[Isambard Kingdom Brunel Standing Before the Launching Chains of the Great Eastern]
创作者Robert Howlett【1831 至 1858】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1857
尺寸图像: 27.9 x 21.5 厘米 (11 x 8 7/16 英寸) Mount: 36.4 x 26.6 厘米 (14 5/16 x 10 1/2 英寸)
介绍(中)经过四年的建造,长692英尺,重22,500吨,大东方号的吨位是迄今为止建造的任何船只的六倍,并且将由当时可用的所有技术推动 - 螺旋桨,桨和帆。由于它的大小,它必须侧身移动,一脚一脚地移动,并且需要前所未有的三个月才能发射。它的成功被视为民族自豪感,证实了英国在海上的霸主地位。

伦敦领先的专业工作室摄影机构(Photographic Institution)的合伙人罗伯特·豪利特(Robert Howlett)受《伦敦时报画报》委托记录这艘船的建造过程。豪利特在下水时拍摄了该船的设计者伊桑巴德·金德·布鲁内尔(Isambard Kingdom Brunel,1806-1859 年)。布鲁内尔比他那一代的任何人都更负责工业革命给英国带来的变革,建造铁路、码头、隧道、干船坞、码头和桥梁。他设计的两艘轮船是漂浮在水面上最大的船只。大东方号融合了许多新颖的造船解决方案,旨在成为他的最高成就。然而,它被证明是一艘客船,并且在大西洋线上运行了几次后,被用来铺设电报电缆。

摄影师将工程师摆在缠绕在巨大检查鼓上的巨型链条前,作为发射的约束装置。布鲁内尔身材适中,力量不大,但神经质极强,很少在公共场合看到他没有雪茄和他肩上带子上的雪茄盒。姿势和表情传达了自信和决心,沾满泥土的裤子和靴子显示出一个参与工作各个方面的行动者。这幅肖像描绘了这位工程师作为英雄的令人难忘的描绘,带有布鲁内尔的传真签名,在摄影师和主题去世后于 1863-64 年作为纪念品出版。
介绍(英)Four years in the making, 692 feet in length and weighing 22,500 tons, the Great Eastern was six times the tonnage of any ship yet built and was to be propelled by all the technology then available-screw, paddle, and sail. Because of its size, it had to be moved sideways, foot by foot, and it would take an unprecedented three months to launch. Its success was seen as a matter of national pride, a confirmation of Britain's supremacy at sea.

Robert Howlett, a partner at the Photographic Institution, a leading professional studio in London, was commissioned by the Illustrated London Times to document the ship's construction. Howlett photographed the ship's designer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), at the time of the launching. More than anyone else of his generation, Brunel had been responsible for the transformation wrought upon Britain by the Industrial Revolution, building railways, terminals, tunnels, dry docks, piers, and bridges. Two steamships of his design were the largest ships afloat. The Great Eastern, which incorporated many novel solutions to shipbuilding, was intended to be his crowning achievement. It proved, however, to be unsuccessful as a passenger ship and, after several runs on the Atlantic line, was used to lay telegraphic cables.

The photographer posed the engineer in front of the giant chains that were wound around the huge checking drums to serve as restraints in the launching. A man of modest stature and strength but of great nervous energy, Brunel was seldom seen in public without a cigar and the cigar box he carried on a strap over his shoulder. The pose and expression convey self-assurance and determination, and the mud-spattered trousers and boots show a man of action involved in all the aspects of the job. A memorable depiction of the engineer as hero, this portrait, which bears Brunel's facsimile signature, was published as a memento in 1863-64, after the deaths of photographer and subject.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。