通常是塔尔博特早期照片的主题,因为他是一位严肃的业余植物学家,并将标本的准确记录视为他发明的重要应用。 这幅印刷品所在的"Album di disegni fotogenici"包含塔尔博特在 1839-40 年寄给意大利植物学家安东尼奥·贝托洛尼的 36 幅图像。 这是大都会博物馆购买的第一件重要摄影作品。
Plants were often the subject of Talbot's early photographs, for he was a serious amateur botanist and envisioned the accurate recording of specimens as an important application of his invention. The "Album di disegni fotogenici," in which this print appears, contains thirty-six images sent by Talbot to the Italian botanist Antonio Bertoloni in 1839–40. It was the first important photographic work purchased by the Metropolitan Museum.