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品名(英)Bit Boss
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1501 - 公元 1600
创作地区原产国: 法国, 利摩日(Country of Origin: France, Limoges)
分类马术器械钻头(Equestrian Equipment-Bits)
尺寸直径 3 5/16 英寸 (10 厘米); 重 1.3 盎司 (36.9 g)

最初在putto一侧涂成金色的单词以OCH开头(可能是中古法语单词Ochaision的第一个字母)。它已经由PIDO为Cupido在恢复的补丁中完成,(恢复者显然不认识字母OCH。ochaision这个词(当代法语中的场合)意味着机会。它表明小普托不是爱神,而实际上是机会的寓言。在16世纪,与机遇相关的属性之一确实是箭头,例如让·库辛(Jean Cousin)的《财富奥卡西奥》(Fortune Occasio)插图中显示的元素。


介绍(英)The center of this circular bit boss is decorated with a putto on a green ground. He holds an arrow in his raised hand, a quiver and a bow in the other. A substantial part on the right side, including the putto's left arm, is an old restoration. The rim is decorated with a frieze of blue, green and yellow scallops on a dark blue ground adorned with foliate scrolls painted in gold. Few of them are actually original, the restored part also covering the original rivets' holes used for attaching the boss to the side of a horse bit.

The word originally painted in gold on the putto’s side starts with OCH (likely to be the first letters of the middle French word Ochaision). It has been completed in the restored patch by PIDO for Cupido, (the restorer apparently not recognizing the letters OCH.) The word ochaision (occasion in contemporary French), means opportunity. It indicates that the little putto is not the god of Love, but actually an allegory of Opportunity. In the 16th century, one of the attributes associated with Opportunity is indeed the arrow, an element shown for example on an illustration of Fortune Occasio by Jean Cousin.

Opportunity is an aspect of Fortune, and they are often combined in one allegory. Moreover, allegories of Fortune are regularly shown with a raised arm like the putto here, and he seems to have long hair, another attribute of Opportunity (as we have to catch the opportunity by the hair). Opportunity refers also to the Greek god Kairos, the right moment. This concept of kairos is also found in rhetoric, philosophy and Christian theology, and for Machiavelli, it is also echoing the virtu of the Prince. In the case of the boss bit here, however, it is possible that the visual similarity with Cupid symbolizes more specifically the opportunity in love.

Harness ornaments made of painted enamel are very rare, because of their extreme fragility. Such pieces would only be used on special events like parades or equestrian demonstrations.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。