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策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1490 - 公元 1545
创作地区原产国: 德国, 纽伦堡(Country of Origin: Germany, Nuremberg)
分类马甲(Armor for Horse)
尺寸27 1/2 x 25 7/8 x 13 3/4 英寸 (69.9 x 65.8 x 34.8 厘米); 重 8 磅 (3660 g).

16世纪,拉齐威尔家族向许多德国军械师订购了盔甲。大都会博物馆很幸运地从他们的军械库中拥有重要的藏品,其中包括大约1525年由奥格斯堡的科尔曼·赫尔姆施密德(Kolman Helmschmid)制作的一件华丽的"服装"盔甲的一部分,可能是为耶日·赫库莱斯·拉齐威尔亲王制作的(根据编号24.179和26.188.1,.2),以及属于更大的盔甲装饰物的元素,具有独特的镀金和多色装饰,约1555年由纽伦堡的昆斯·洛奇纳为"黑色"拉德齐威尔王子尼古拉制作(参见编号21.42、14.25.854)。除了王子军械库,其中包含拉德齐威尔夫妇及其家臣使用的盔甲和武器,该家族的藏品也被认为包括了许多条顿骑士在其大本营柯尼斯堡的军械库中的碎片,博古斯拉夫·拉齐威尔亲王从1657年到1669年去世一直担任该地的总督。边缘有棱角的转弯而不是用绳子捆起来的转弯,这表明日期是16世纪第一季度。除了主边缘边缘的宽而凹陷的带子外,没有装饰,而且它属于一大群类似的马甲,这为它可能最初来自柯尼斯堡的假设提供了一些可信度。所有连接三块板的铆钉和螺钉都是现代的替代品。
介绍(英)This peytral belongs to a large group of horse armor, including more than a dozen peytrals, which came from the armory of Nieśwież Castle, the seat of the Polish noble family Radziwill, the greater part of which was sold at two London auctions in 1926 and 1927. Most of the peytrals from the group were made in Nuremberg and are struck with that city's control mark. This example also bears a related Nuremberg mark, the letter N within a pearled circle, on the inside of the central plate.

The Radziwills ordered armor from a number of German armorers during the sixteenth century. The Metropolitan Museum is fortuante to own important pieces from their armory, among them the portions of a magnificent "costume" armor made about 1525 by Kolman Helmschmid of Augsburg, possibly for Prince Jerzy Herkules Radziwill (acc. nos. 24.179 and 26.188.1, .2), and elements belonging to a larger garniture of armor with distinctive gilt and polychromed decoration made about 1555 by Kunz Lochner of Nuremberg for Prince Nikolaus "the Black" Radziwill (acc. nos. 21.42, 14.25.854). In addition to the princely armory, which contained armor and weapons intended for use by the Radziwills and their retainers, the family's collection is also thought to have included many pieces from the armory of the Teutonic knights at their stronghold of Königsberg, where Prince Boguslav Radziwill was governor from 1657 until his death in 1669.

This peytral is comparatively plain in appearance. The presence of angular turns along the edges rather than roped ones suggests a date in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. The lack of decoration, apart from the wide, recessed band bordering the main edges, and the fact that it belongs to a large group of similar horse armor lend some credibility to the assumption that it may originally have come from Königsberg. All the rivets as well as the screws connecting the three plates are modern replacements.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。