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品名(英)Wall painting on black ground: pair of supports, from the imperial villa at Boscotrecase
策展部门希腊和罗马艺术Greek and Roman Art
创作年份公元前 10 - 公元前 1
尺寸整体: 59 x 19 1/4英寸 (149.9 x 48.9厘米)
介绍(中)许多私人避暑别墅位于那不勒斯附近的海岸线上。其中最豪华的一定是阿格里帕建造的别墅,阿格里帕是奥古斯都皇帝的朋友,也是他女儿茱莉亚的丈夫。它坐落在现代小镇博斯科特雷卡斯附近,俯瞰着那不勒斯湾。1903年至1905年间,这座别墅在铁路工程中被意外发现,随后被部分挖掘。仍保留在四间卧室中的墙壁装饰被拆除。大都会博物馆(Metropolitan Museum)从三个房间中获得了部分,那不勒斯考古博物馆(Archaeological Museum at Naples)获得了其余部分。
阿格里帕于公元前12年去世,他的儿子阿格里帕·波斯图姆斯(Agrippa Postumus)于公元前11年成为别墅的主人,正如在那里发现的铭文所示。这些壁画一定是在当时开始的翻修期间绘制的。它们由为皇室工作的艺术家绘制,是现存最好的罗马壁画之一
介绍(英)Many private summer villas were located along the coast near Naples. One of the most sumptuous must have been the villa built by Agrippa, friend of the emperor Augustus and husband of his daughter, Julia. It stood overlooking the Bay of Naples from a spot near the modern town of Boscotrecase. The villa was partially excavated between 1903 and 1905 after its accidental discovery during work on a railway. Wall decorations that still survived in four bedrooms were removed. The Metropolitan Museum acquired sections from three rooms and the Archaeological Museum at Naples received the rest.
Agrippa died in 12 B.C. and his son, Agrippa Postumus became the villa's proprietor in 11 B.C. as inscriptions found there indicate. The frescoes must have been painted during renovations begun at the time. Painted by artists working for the imperial household, they are among the finest existing examples of Roman wall painting.
The so-called Black Room was one of a sequence of bedrooms facing south toward the downward slope of the mountain and the sea. The source of light was a wide doorway giving onto a terrace or promenade.
This ambiguous and sophisticated decoration is a masterpiece of the so-called third style of Roman wall painting, which flourished during the reign of Augustus. The theme is a playful rendition of architectural motif. A low red dado serves as the base from which a skeleton of thin white columns appears to rise against a black background. There almost weightless columns support pavilions, candelabra, tripods, and a narrow cornice that runs around the room. They were embellished with jewel-like decorations. On the back wall tiny swans, the bird of Apollo, patron god of Augustus, perch improbably on threadlike spirals, and yellow panels with Egyptianizing motifs must have brought to mind the recent annexation of Egypt after the death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. This architectural scheme creates almost no sense of depth or volume. The black walls behind appear at once to be flat and to dissolve into limitless space. Tiny landscape vignettes float like islands in the middle of this blackness. Burnished to a high polish, these walls must have appeared magical indeed when illuminated by lamps at night.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。