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品名(英)Boar Spear with Double Barrel Wheellock Pistol
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1551 - 公元 1600
创作地区原产国: 德国(Country of Origin: Germany)
分类组合武器(Combination Weapons)
尺寸长 89 3/4 英寸 (227.96 厘米); 长 of head 40 1/2 英寸 (102.9 厘米); 长 of barrel 12 英寸 (30.5 厘米); 宽 4 英寸 (10.2 厘米); Cal. (a) .412 英寸 (10.47 毫米); Cal. (b) .415 英寸 (10.54 毫米); 重 9 磅. 6 盎司 (4252.4 g)



介绍(英)The blade is lanceolate in its forward part, entirely covered with etched decoration of interlaced strapwork, and with two curved parrying hooks shaped as dolphins in its rearward section. The blade is placed between two pistol barrels, its median ridge is eliminated and changed into a shallow channel on either side aligned with the bore of the barrels. Between the blade and the heavy cylindrical socket are attached the two wheellocks with covered wheels. The folding triggers are halfway down the shaft, inserted into long steel straps covering the pulls of the mechanisms. The shaft is plain and smooth, with a large conical steel mount on its butt end.

It has generally been speculated that the combination of board spear and pistol was designed to be used to break the onrush of the charging board or the rampant bear, and the double pistols could be fired before the animal was received on the blade. However, the blade is unusually thin, and as an accommodation to the bullets fired at the raging animal, its stiffening mid-ridge was supplanted by grooves which thinned the material even more. Additionally, the rather small caliber of the pistol barrels makes it doubtful that a boar or bear would have been much impressed. On the contrary, such a relatively light wound might have inflamed its rage.

During the second half of the seventeenth century, before the invention of the bayonet, musketeers were often equipped with boar spears (Schweinsfedern) in addition to their firearm. These Schweinsfedern served a dual purpose: they could be used as musket support instead of the older musket fork, and they could be used in square formation to repel cavalry charges when there was no time to reload the musket.

Since the shaft of this combination weapon is quite smooth and not made slip proof by knobs or nails, it is another reason to suspect that this was not a hunting weapon, but was designed for antipersonnel use. This Schweinsfeder with pistols might have been the weapon of a non-commissioned officer, perhaps a sergeant, who would not carry a musket but who did not want to be left in an emergency without a firearm.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。