介绍(英) | Translucent pale blue green, with same color handle. Everted rim, folded down, round, and in; flaring mouth; tall neck expanding downwards; sloping, slightly convex shoulder; squat body with hexagonal sides; low base with flat bottom; bifurcated handle attached to shoulder, drawn up and out in a curve, then turned in horizontally and trailed on to edge of rim and top of neck in several folds. Decoration in relief in three registers: on shoulder, six arches, each containing an unidentified domed object; on body, six square panels, divided by columns with capitals and bases, each containing an object: 1, a footed bowl; 2, a pine cone; 3, a footed jar with rounded objects (fruit ?) emerging from its rim; 4, a footed jug with long S-shaped handle; 5, another pine cone; 6, a handled vase with conical lid; below, continuous band of twenty-two radiating upturned tongues; on bottom, raised broad circle around edge and dot at center. Broken, with most of rim and part of neck missing, cracks in shoulder, and small hole in panel 4; pinprick bubbles; slight dulling and faint iridescence, with patches of creamy brown weathering and encrustation.
Made in the same mold as 17.194.230. |