介绍(英) | Translucent reddish purple; handles in colorless glass with a smoky green tinge. Tubular rim, folded out, over, and in, and flattened into flaring mouth; tall cylindrical neck; ovoid body; low cylindrical base, with flat but uneven bottom; two small rod handle attached in a claw pad to top of body, drawn up, round, and in, and pressed onto middle part of neck. One prominent continuous mold seam down neck, around body, and across bottom. On body, frieze of twenty-two widely-spaced, downturned rounded ribs on upper body ( twelve on one side, ten on the other) and twenty-four upturned rounded ribs on lower body; between them two horizontal raised lines. Complete, but broken and repaired around rim and top of neck; few bubbles; dulling and iridescence, with one patch of deep pitting and brillaint iridescence on body, on exterior, some weathering and iridescence on interior. |