介绍(英) | Translucent pale blue green; handle, spout, and trails in same color. Plain, rounded rim; flaring mouth; cylindrical neck; rounded shoulder; squat, globular body; slightly concave bottom, with deep pontil scar; three-ribbed strap handle, applied to upper body, with claws extending downwards, the central one being larger and pointed, each of the two outer ones tooled to have a pinched, horizontal projection; curving handle drawn up and in, and folded onto underside of mouth and edge of rim, with jagged end above; tubular spout dropped onto body as a blob, piercing side, then drawn out and knocked off. A thicker trail wound one and a third times around top of neck; another thinner trail wound four times in a spiral around neck. Intact, except for end of spout, which may be broken off; pinprick bubbles and blowing striations; faint dulling, weathering, and iridescence on exterior, one patch of soil encrustation, whitish weathering, and brilliant iridescence on interior. |