介绍(英) | Small jug. Translucent pale blue green; same color handle and trail. Rim folded out, down, round, and in, and pressed into side of flaring mouth; cylindrical neck expanding downwards; sloping shoulder; convex side to body, tapering downwards; slight kick in bottom and pontil mark; rod handle applied in a pad, tooled into an upturned pinched projection, on outer edge of shoulder, drawn up and out, tooled into a projecting fold, then drawn inwards, and folded onto top of neck, underside of mouth, and edge of rim, with another projecting fold above level of rim. Fine spiral trail applied as a large pad on neck, wound round twenty-four times down lower half of neck, shoulder, and body, and extending onto bottom; on body, seven deep vertical indents. Intact, except for slight loss to trail on shoulder; many bubbles; dulling, limy brownish weathering, and iridescence. |