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品名(英)Side chair (Chaise à la reine) (part of a set)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jean Baptiste Boulard【1725 至 1789】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1786 - 公元 1787
尺寸高 36 1/2 × 宽 22 1/2 × 深 19 3/4 英寸 (92.7 × 57.2 × 50.2 厘米)
介绍(中)各种纸牌和机会游戏,如lansquenet、faro、quadrille、picket和cavangnole,长期以来一直是法国宫廷的热门娱乐项目,在那里赌注很高,整个财富都可能在赌桌上输赢。1777年3月18日,奥地利外交官Florimond Claude de Mercy Argenteau向女皇Maria Theresa报告时宣称:"女王的赌博越来越不受约束。公众知道,巴黎法律严格禁止他们玩同样的游戏,女王每晚都会玩,而且玩得太多了。",1786年8月12日,路易十六在枫丹白露城堡的游戏室(Salon des Jeux)订购了一套大型家具,包括30把侧椅、6把观众椅和一个防火屏。博物馆三把椅子的座椅下面贴着一个标签(另见45.60.42和.43),表明它们是这套作品的一部分,该作品是1787年10月为宫廷在枫丹白露的年度逗留而委托制作的。该套装从未按计划使用,因为王室访问没有在当年或次年进行。事实上,国王和他的家人于1789年10月离开凡尔赛宫,再也没有回到皇宫,也没有再次访问枫丹白露

记录座椅家具创作的各种回忆录说明了18世纪此类项目的典型分工。菜单师Boulard接受了法院的许多委托,他为带有拱形顶部导轨和略微弯曲的座椅导轨的椅子切割木材并组装。装饰性雕刻由与国王沙龙门套装饰相匹配的海鸠和珍珠图案组成,由雕塑家Nicolas Francois Vallois和Lambert Charny在Jean Haure的指导下完成,他们分别负责24把和12把椅子。三个不同的镀金者被要求完成框架,装潢师克劳德·弗朗索瓦·卡平(Claude Francois Capin,1789年)用蓝色、白色和灰色的灯罩覆盖了这套布景,并采用了由里昂的Louis Reboul,Fontebrune et Cie公司为此编织的阿拉伯式花纹设计。博物馆椅子的座椅导轨比这间套房的其他一些侧椅的座椅导轨略低,这表明它们是打算有可拆卸座垫的十二把椅子之一

[Daniëlle Kisluk Grosheide,2010]

[1]引用于Lillian C.Smythe。玛丽·安托瓦内特的守护者:奥地利驻凡尔赛宫大使阿根托伯爵给玛丽·泰瑞斯的信。奥地利女皇,1770年至1780年。2卷。纽约,1902年,第2卷,第481-82页;另见Mercy Argenteau。玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette):玛丽·泰瑞丝(Marie Thérèse)和梅西·阿根托(Mercy Argenteau)的信件,以及玛丽·泰瑞斯(Marie Tyérése)和玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie-Antoinete)的信件。[1770-80年的通信。]阿尔弗雷德·里特·冯·阿内斯和奥古斯特·格夫罗伊编辑。3卷。巴黎,1874年,第3卷,第35页。
介绍(英)Various games of cards and chance, such as lansquenet, faro, quadrille, piquet, and cavagnole, had long been popular entertainment at the French court, where the stakes were high and entire fortunes could be won or lost at the gaming table. Reporting to Empress Maria Theresa on March 18, 1777, the Austrian diplomat Florimond-Claude de Mercy-Argenteau declared: "The gambling of the Queen grows more and more unrestrained. The public know that the identical games, strictly prohibited to them by the laws of Paris, are played nightly and to excess by the Queen."[1] To accommodate all those who might wish to participate in the play, a large set of furniture consisting of thirty side chairs, six voyeuses, or spectators' chairs, and a fire screen was ordered on August 12, 1786, for Louis XVI's Salon des Jeux (Gaming Room) at the Chateau de Fontainebleau. A label pasted underneath the seats of the Museum's three chairs (see also 45.60.42, .43) identifies them as part of this ensemble, which was commissioned for the court's annual sojourn at Fontainebleau in October 1787. The set was never used as intended because the royal visit did not occur that year or the next. In fact, the king and his family left Versailles in October 1789, never to return to the palace, nor did they visit Fontainebleau again.

The various memoires documenting the creation of the seat furniture illustrate the typical eighteenth-century division of labor in such projects. The menuisier Boulard, who received many commissions from the court, cut the wood for the chairs with their arched top rail and slightly curving seat rails and assembled them. The decorative carving, consisting of guilloche and pearl motifs matching the ornament of the door cases in the king's Salon des Jeux, was done under the direction of Jean Haure by the sculptors Nicolas-Francois Vallois and Lambert Charny, who were responsible for, respectively, twenty-four and twelve chairs each. Three different gilders were called upon to finish the frames, and the upholsterer Claude-Francois Capin (d. 1789) covered the set in blue, white, and gray lampas with an arabesque design woven for this purpose by the firm of Louis Reboul, Fontebrune et Cie in Lyons. The seat rails of the Museum's chairs are slightly lower than those on some of the other side chairs of this suite, indicating that they were among the twelve intended to have a removable seat cushion.

[Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, 2010]

[1] Quoted in Lillian C. Smythe. The Guardian of Marie Antoinette: Letters from the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau, Austrian Ambassador to the Court of Versailles, to Marie Thérèse. Empress of Austria, 1770–1780. 2 vols. New York, 1902, vol. 2, pp. 481–82; see also Mercy-Argenteau. Marie-Antoinette: Correspondence secrète entre Marie-Thérèse et le cte de Mercy-Argenteau, avec les lettres de Marie-Thérèse et de Marie-Antoinette. [Correspondence for the years 1770–80.] Edited by Alfred Ritter von Arneth and Auguste Geffroy. 3 vols. Paris, 1874, vol. 3, p. 35.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。