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品名(中)Tapestry Lining for Tester(Ciel for Lit to Duchess in Imperial)
品名(英)Tapestry lining for tester (ciel for lit à la duchesse en impériale)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1775 - 公元 1795
尺寸整体: 高 87 × 宽 72 英寸 (221 × 182.9 厘米)
介绍(中)由于它的全尺寸穹顶式天篷悬挂在天花板上,而不是支撑在柱子上,因此这张印有乔治·雅各布(Georges Jacob)图案的测试床是一种叫做litàla duchesse en impériale的类型。它最初但现在很脆弱的帷幔是1782–83年由让-巴蒂斯特·休特(Jean-Baptiste Huet,1745–1811)设计后在博韦挂毯制造厂织成的,现在已经被现代丝绸锦缎取代,除了内部穹顶的衬里。法国18世纪的床往往很高大,因为人们习惯于在床上堆上三个或三个以上的床垫,床垫里装满稻草、羊毛、马毛或羽毛。托比亚斯·斯莫列特(Tobias Smollett,1721–1771)在1766年指出,"法国的床太高了,有时人们不得不借助台阶把它们装起来。"[1]

18世纪,法国有一种接待客人的习俗,那就是在一张装饰优雅的大床上休息。博物馆的一件富丽堂皇的家具,上面雕刻着精美的花卉装饰,这是一位不知名的雕刻师的作品,一定是此类官方电话或祝贺访问的绝佳背景。1791年,据记载,这张床位于普拉斯林侯爵夫人(1737–1806年)古约恩·玛格丽特·德德弗特·德洛热(Guyonne Marguerite de Durfort de Lorge)在巴黎的家贝勒岛(Hôtel de Belle Isle)的大卧室里。在革命动乱和十九世纪初的政治变革之后,这张床于1830年在巴黎出售。它成为苏格兰南拉纳克郡汉密尔顿宫(Hamilton Palace)著名藏品的一部分,这里是汉密尔顿第十任公爵亚历山大·汉密尔顿·道格拉斯(Alexander Hamilton Douglas,1767–1852)的住所,它被放置在其中一个州厅。公爵的孙子在1882年举行的一场备受期待的拍卖会上出售了宫殿内的物品,包括床。通过几家经销商的中介,1897年,金融家兼铁路高管乔治·J·古尔德(George J.Gould,1864–1923)收购了这张床。他的妻子,前女演员伊迪丝·M·金登(1864–1921),曾在他们纽约市住宅的卧室里使用过它

[Daniëlle Kisluk Grossheide,2010年]

介绍(英)As its full-size domed canopy is suspended from the ceiling rather than supported on posts, this tester bed, which bears the stamp of the menuisier Georges Jacob, is a type called lit à la duchesse en impériale. Its original but now fragile hangings, woven in 1782–83 at the Beauvais tapestry manufactory after designs by Jean-Baptiste Huet (1745–1811), have been replaced by modern silk damask, except for the lining of the interior dome. French eighteenth-century beds tended to be lofty, as it was customary to pile them with three or more mattresses filled with straw, wool, horsehair, or feathers. Tobias Smollett (1721–1771) noted in 1766, “French beds are so high, that sometimes one is obliged to mount them by the help of steps.”[1]

The custom of receiving visitors while reposing in a large and elegantly fitted out bed was practiced in France during the eighteenth century mostly by aristocratic women. The Museum’s imposing piece of furniture with its exquisitely carved floral decoration, the work of an unknown carver, must have formed a splendid backdrop for such official calls or congratulatory visits. In 1791 the bed is documented as standing in the large bedchamber of Guyonne-Marguerite de Durfort de Lorge, duchesse de Choiseul-Praslin (1737–1806), at her Parisian home, the Hôtel de Belle Isle. Following the turmoil of the Revolution and the political changes of the early nineteenth century, the bed was sold in Paris in 1830. It became part of the famous collections at Hamilton Palace, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, the residence of Alexander Hamilton Douglas, tenth Duke of Hamilton (1767–1852), where it was placed in one of the state rooms. The duke’s grandson sold the contents of the palace, including the bed, at a highly anticipated auction that took place in 1882. Through the intermediation of several dealers, the bed was acquired in 1897 by the financier and railroad executive George J. Gould (1864–1923). His wife, the former actress Edith M. Kingdon (1864–1921), used it in her bedroom of their New York town house.

[Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, 2010]

[1] Tobias George Smollett. Travels through France and Italy. London, 1766. New ed.: Introduction by James Morris. Travellers' Classics 11. Fontwell, Sussex, 1969, p. 43.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。