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品名(英)Blade and Mounting for a Double-Edged Dagger (Ken)
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1175 - 公元 1400
创作地区原产国: 日本(Country of Origin: Japan)
尺寸长 of blade 12 1/16 英寸 (30.6 厘米); 长 of cutting edge 8 3/16 英寸 (20.8 厘米); 长 of hilt 3 13/16 英寸 (9.7 厘米)

在密教的神功派中,符是最高佛(大尼持尼若莱)的化身,是为了对抗邪恶和支持正义事业而创造的。他也被认为是十二位佛教徒中的第一位,他们接收死者的灵魂,并引导他们得到Dainichi Nyorai的永恒关怀。因此,这个ken有可能是为了在供奉符的辛贡仪式中使用。Fudō的图像经常出现在日本盔甲和武器的装饰中。他通常被火焰包围,右手拿着剑,指向上方,左手拿着绳子(<i>kensaku
介绍(英)The symbolic significance of the triple-pronged vajra, as well as its shape, made it an appropriate choice for use as the hilt of a sacred sword (ken), as demonstrated by this extremely rare example of an Esoteric Buddhist ritual object in the form of a ken. The blade dates from the late Heian or early Kamakura period (late twelfth to early thirteenth century), and the gilt-copper vajra hilt was probably made in the early Nambokuchō period (mid-fourteenth century). In Buddhist iconography the sword represents the defense of religious doctrine and the defeat of falsehood and evil. It is an emblem of intelligence and, by extension, of the victory of spiritual knowledge, which opens the path to enlightenment. Combined with a vajra hilt it signifies the sword of wisdom (e-ken), one of the major attributes of Fudō Myō-ō, also referred to as the Great Immovable One. Fudō was the most popular of the Five Great Kings of Light (Go Dai Myō-ō), deities of Hindu origin who were assimilated into the Japanese Buddhist pantheon in the ninth century.

In the Shingon school of Esoteric Buddhism, Fudō is a manifestation of the Supreme Buddha (Dainichi Nyorai), created to fight evil and champion righteous causes. He is also considered to be the first of the twelve buddhas who receive the souls of the dead and guide them to the eternal care of Dainichi Nyorai. It is possible, therefore, that this ken was made for use in a Shingon ritual devoted to Fudō. Images of Fudō frequently appear in the decoration of Japanese armor and weapons. He is usually shown surrounded by flames, holding the sword, point upward, in his right hand, and the rope (kensaku, with which he binds and nullifies evil, in his left hand.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。