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品名(中)一对带燧石的手枪和Las Tres Modas
品名(英)Pair of Pistols with Flintlocks a Las Tres Modas
入馆年号1928年,28.196.3, .4
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作者Workshop of the Ybarzabel family【1784 至 1891】【西班牙人】
创作年份公元 1750 - 公元 1800
创作地区原产国: 西班牙, 艾巴(Country of Origin: Spain, Eibar)
尺寸长 of each 11 英寸 (27.9 厘米); 长 of each barrel 6 5/8 英寸 (16.8 厘米); Cal. of each .61 英寸 (15.5 毫米); 重 of each 1 磅 5 盎司 (600 g)
介绍(中)从16世纪起,西班牙的枪管就以其质量而闻名。然而,直到下个世纪,一种被称为miquelet(法语单词,意思是"西班牙土匪")的原始燧发枪机制的发明,大量的枪支生产才得以发展。由于西班牙拥有广泛的商业和广阔的领土,带有这种点火装置的西班牙枪支在所有地中海地区和中东都很流行。miquelet非常坚固可靠,一直使用到1850年左右。1700年,当法国王室的一个分支波旁家族登上西班牙王位时,它给马德里的枪支制造商的艺术带来了相当大的法国影响。一些时尚的法国形式和传统的当地设计的混合体被指定为a la moda(在当前时尚中)或a las tres modas(在三种时尚中,即法国、西班牙和意大利)。然而,省级枪支制造商继续以旧的方式工作。在加泰罗尼亚(西班牙东北部),他们生产了原始、紧凑的手枪,可以用腰带或特殊的绑带携带。当地的枪支库存通常被包裹在凿制的金属支架中,以加固和装饰武器。一般来说,西班牙的武器装饰师只装饰枪支的金属部件,而不会沉迷于欧洲其他地方生产的精心雕刻和镶嵌的枪托。
介绍(英)Spanish gun barrels were renowned for their quality from the sixteenth century. Significant firearms production did not develop, however, until the next century and the invention of an original flintlock mechanism nicknamed miquelet (a French word meaning "Spanish bandit"). Due to Spain’s extensive commerce and vast territorial possessions, Spanish firearms with this ignition device became popular in all Mediterranean regions and the Middle East. The miquelet was so sturdy and reliable that it remained in use up to about 1850. When a branch of the French royal family, the house of Bourbon, ascended the Spanish throne in 1700, it brought a considerable French influence to the art of the gunmakers in Madrid. Some hybrids of fashionable French forms and traditional local designs were designated a la moda (in current fashion) or a las tres modas (in three fashions—that is, French, Spanish, and Italian). Provincial gunmakers, however, continued working in old ways. In Catalonia (northeastern Spain), they produced pistols of original, compact form, to be carried on a belt at the waist or on a special bandolier. Stocks of local firearms were often encased in chiseled metal mounts, both to reinforce and to embellish the weapons. In general, Spanish arms decorators adorned only the metal parts of a firearm and did not indulge in the elaborately carved and inlaid stocks produced elsewhere in Europe.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。