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品名(英)Low cabinet (meuble à hauteur d'appui) (one of a pair)
入馆年号1974年,1974.391.1a, b
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者André Charles Boulle【1642 至 1732】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1785 - 公元 1799
尺寸整体: 39 5/8 × 37 3/4 × 16 英寸 (100.6 × 95.9 × 40.6 厘米)
介绍(中)这对矮柜(另见1974.391.2a,b),或meublesàhauteur d’appui,展示了安德烈·查尔斯·布勒(AndréCharles Boulle)和被称为布勒(Boulle)作品的丰富风格在1732年去世后对法国家具生产产生的强大影响。可以追溯到18世纪中后期,每个橱柜都镶有乌木面板,装饰丰富,采用了Boulle的招牌风格,包括龟甲、黄铜,有时还包括锡,并融入了花卉和叶片设计。每个橱柜的中央面板上都有一个肖像章,第一件(1974.391.1a)以法国国王亨利四世(1589–1610)为主角,他的头像向右翻转;匹配的作品(1974.391.2a)包含苏利公爵马克西米利安·德·贝图恩(1560–1641)的肖像,侧面向左翻转。决定将法国第一位波旁王朝君主及其财政和农业部长的奖章分别纳入其中,可能是为了象征波旁王朝的稳定,波旁王朝一直受到财政和政治不稳定的困扰,尤其是在路易十六统治时期。每件作品都进一步装饰有镀金青铜底座,形状为棘豆叶、牛肝菌和saytrs面具,并放置在四个带螺旋凹槽的镀金青铜锥形底座上。橱柜上覆盖着黑色和金色的Portor大理石台面

尽管这些模型是基于1710年至25年的Boulle工作室设计的,但在18世纪下半叶,修理、更新或将a.C.Boulle和他的工作室制作的镶嵌板融入新家具的做法很常见,这使得有时很难准确地确定一件Boulle家具的原始日期。Boulle的设计在19世纪一直保持着时尚性,这可以从今天在Frick Collection中发现的英国生产的Wrightsman橱柜的复制品中看出。
介绍(英)This pair of low cabinets (see also 1974.391.2a, b), or meubles à hauteur d’appui, demonstrates the strong influence that André Charles Boulle and the exuberant style of marquetry known as Boulle-work exerted upon furniture production in France well after his death in 1732. Dating to the mid-to late-eighteenth century, each cabinet is veneered with ebony panels richly decorated with Boulle’s signature usage of marquetry, consisting of tortoiseshell, brass, and sometimes pewter, and integrated into a floral and foliate design. The central panel of each cabinet is surmounted by a portrait medallion, with the first piece (1974.391.1a) featuring Henri IV, King of France (1589–1610), whose head is turned in profile to the right; the matching piece (1974.391.2a) contains the portrait of Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully (1560–1641), in profile turned to the left. The decision to incorporate medallions of France’s first Bourbon monarch and his minister of finance and agriculture respectively may have been to symbolize the dynastic stability of the House of Bourbon, which was beset by financial and political instabilities, particularly under the reign of Louis XVI. Each piece is further embellished with gilt- bronze mounts shaped into acanthus leaves, rinceaux, and saytrs’ masks, and rests upon four tapering feet of gilt bronze with spiral flutes. The cabinets are covered by black and gold Portor marble tops.

Although the models are based on a Boulle workshop design from 1710–25, the practice of repairing, updating, or incorporating marquetry panels made by A.C. Boulle and his workshop into new pieces of furniture was a common practice during the second half of the eighteenth century, making it sometimes difficult to determine with precision the original date of a piece of Boulle furniture. Proof of the continuing fashionability of Boulle’s designs well into the nineteenth century can be seen in a copy of the Wrightsman cabinets produced in England, found today in the Frick Collection.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。