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品名(英)Side table
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Edward William Godwin【1833 至 1886】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1867 - 公元 1877
尺寸整体: 29 7/16 × 16 × 32 1/8 英寸 (74.8 × 40.6 × 81.6 厘米)
介绍(中)这张桌子由爱德华·威廉·戈德温(Edward William Godwin)在1872年左右设计,展示了1860年代至1880年代英国美学运动的理想特征。桌子的整体组成,其柔和的线条和担架和柱子的不对称组织,创造了一种水平和垂直元素的节奏,与亚洲和传统的英国影响相呼应。这张桌子的另一个例子是在1871年左右为戈德温的妻子,女演员艾伦特里制作的,并用于他们的家中。

作为第一批以日本风格布置的维多利亚时代建筑师设计师之一,戈德温的职业生涯始于哥特式复兴主义者和约翰拉斯金的弟子。然而,到 1860 年代初,戈德温成为日本艺术的狂热崇拜者,并与詹姆斯·阿博特·麦克尼尔·惠斯勒和奥斯卡·王尔德一起成为美学运动的领导者之一。桌子优雅的线性设计反映了戈德温对日本艺术及其原理的了解。戈德温可能对日本家具有第一手的了解,或者他可能熟悉艾梅·亨伯特(Aimé Humbert)的《日本插画》(Le Japon illustré,1870年),该作品展示了许多类型的日本家具。在戈德温的桌子上,铁轨和柱子的品格排列也让人想起中国和日本家具和建筑上的格子。使用金属角和侧撑也装饰了物体,这表明了日本设计。


介绍(英)This table, designed by Edward William Godwin around 1872, demonstrates the ideals characteristic of the Aesthetic movement in Britain from the 1860s to 1880s. The overall composition of the table, with its attenuated lines and asymmetrical organization of stretchers and posts, creates a rhythm of horizontal and vertical elements that echo Asian as well as traditional English influences. Another example of this table was made in about 1871 for Godwin's wife, the actress Ellen Terry, and was used in their home.

Among the first of the Victorian architect-designers to furnish in the Japanese style, Godwin began his career as a Gothic revivalist and disciple of John Ruskin. However, by the early 1860s, Godwin became a passionate admirer of the arts of Japan and one of the leaders of the Aesthetic movement along with James Abbott McNeill Whistler and Oscar Wilde. The elegantly linear design of the table reflects Godwin's knowledge of Japanese art and its principles. Godwin may have had first-hand knowledge of Japanese furniture or he may have been familiar with Aimé Humbert's Le Japon illustré (1870), which illustrates many types of Japanese furnishings. On Godwin's table, the fretlike arrangement of rails and posts is also reminiscent of the latticework found on Chinese and Japanese furnishings and architecture. The use of metal corner and side braces that also embellish the object is indicative of Japanese design.

Not only did Godwin appreciate Asian design but he also had a fondness for mid- to late eighteenth-century English furniture. The table's attenuated lines, drop leaves, and fluting are all common characteristics found on tables of the Georgian period. Interestingly, some of the aesthetic values associated with Georgian furniture are shared by Japanese furniture, such as attention to wood grain, linearity, and the avoidance of ponderous forms. This blending and reinterpretation of Godwin's primary sources used for the table are novel yet characteristic of the Aesthetic movement.

For Godwin, his work was a means of artistic and spiritual expression, as he explained in 1873: "I look upon all my work as Art Work. A building is to me as a picture to a painter or a poem to a poet."
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。