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品名(英)Adjustable reading and writing table (pupitre à crémaillère, servant de table)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Martin Carlin【1725 至 1785】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1755 - 公元 1770
尺寸高 57 x 宽 21 x 深 16 英寸 (144.8 x 53.3 x 40.6 厘米); 高 of tray: 27-3/8 (69.5); Lectern: 高 16 x 宽 21-1/8 x 深 3-1/2 英寸 (40.6 x 53.7 x 8.9 厘米)

这个支架有几种变体;其中最接近的是18世纪的著名装饰艺术收藏家,Aumont公爵Louis-Marie Augustin(1709-1782)。1782年,在拍卖他的作品时,一个展位被编入了367号拍品目录。该地块的描述以"Un Pupîtreàcremaillere,servant de table…"开头,使公爵的展台得以在法国私人收藏中辨认出来,这与博物馆新获得的展品非常相似

介绍(英)The tulipwood-veneered reading-and-writing lectern of this accommodating piece of furniture can be tilted forward and backward by pressing a button in the brass housing of the lectern, the sleeve of which fits over the top of the notched steel rod. A brass ratchet mounted to the underside of the tray engages the notches of the rod and allows the height of the lectern to be adjused for use from either a seated or standing position. With the lectern fully extended, the piece becomes quite top-heavy, and the spreading, double-pronged feet of its beautifully ornamented tripod base are intended to prevent it from tipping.

Several variants of this stand exist; the closest of these belonged in the eighteenth century to a noted collector of decorative arts of his time, Louis-Marie-Augustin, duc d'Aumont (1709–1782). At the sale of his effects in 1782, a stand was catalogued under lot number 367. The description of the lot, beginning with the words "Un Pupître à cremaillere, servant de table...," has enabled the duke's stand, which is very similar to the Museum's newly acquired example, to be identified in a French private collection.

Though without a signature, this piece has been attributed to the ébéniste Martin Carlin, who was permitted to sign workshop products only after his election as master cabinetmaker in 1766. The distribution of gilt-bronze ornament over the base is reminiscent of the dispositions of mounts that appear on later tripod stands, signed by him, in the Louis XVI style. Carlin may have produced the Museum's reading stand in the early 1760s while working under the influence of his brilliantly inventive brother-in-law, Jean-François Oeben, a practicing cabinetmaker from 1754 until his death in 1763.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。