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品名(英)Crucifix on a Golgotha base
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Giuseppe de' Levi【1522 至 1614】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1585 - 公元 1899
尺寸整体 combined confirmed: 23 5/8 × 11 1/8 × 7 1/8 英寸 (60 × 28.3 × 18.1 厘米)
介绍(中)带有镀金语料库的十字架矗立在代表各各他山的底座上。底座装饰着铸造的罗马硬币和化石、贝壳、蜗牛和刺猬的图像;它的脚被建模成狮身人面像的形状。基地署名IOSEH DE·LEVIS VER·F.(图83a),根据它是由约瑟夫·德·莱维斯(Joseph de Levis)铸造的,他是十六世纪后期活跃在维罗纳的青铜创始人和雕塑家,很可能是犹太血统。德·李维斯经常在他的青铜器上签名,查尔斯·艾弗里对这些签名进行了深入分析,他的结论是,这里应该读作"约瑟夫·德·李维斯让我在维罗纳"。[1] 因此,对城市的提及是一个定位,而不是对雕塑家家乡的引用(即维罗纳的约瑟夫·德·李维斯,拉丁语:Veronensis)。完整地写成,拉丁文的签名可以是"Joseph[us] de Levis Ver[onae] F[ecit]"。这种解读符合家庭传统:约瑟夫的哥哥用意大利语在教堂的钟声上签名,"维罗纳的圣李维斯我的粪便"。因此,签名使青铜器的实际铸造地点可见,并强调了该家族的犹太遗产,因为意大利化的"Giuseppe"从未出现在同时期的文件中。[2]

底座由泥塑蜡模型铸造而成。3]插入的头骨,艾弗里认为是后来添加的,指的是亚当的坟墓。下底面的硬币上有浮雕的圣马克有翼狮子,象征着威尼斯共和国。其中一枚罗马硬币上有尼禄的个人资料肖像和不对称的铭文IMP·尼禄·凯撒。罗马硬币表示基督的时间,唤起了犹大的受难和背叛。艾弗里将狮身人面像的脚与德·李维斯的墨水台上的脚与基督和井边的撒玛利亚女人进行了比较。[4] 各各他的特点是典型的帕多安青铜传统风格,例如贝壳和化石的细节工作,可能直接取自大自然。事实上,艾弗里回忆起我们的各各他对帕多安·巴尔托洛梅奥·贝拉诺的古老归属,因为它在风格上与所谓的地狱山脉相似,威廉·冯·博德将其归因于贝拉诺,然后由曼弗雷德·莱特-贾斯珀坚定地记录在阿戈斯蒂诺·佐波身上,日期约为 1540-50 年。[5]

语料库和各各他基础在技术上和风格上都没有关系。这里看到的基督雕像显然不是原始的,似乎是更晚的产品,可能是威尼托艺术家制作的。[6]目前状态的作品于1899年从佛罗伦萨艺术品经销商斯特凡诺·巴尔迪尼(Stefano Bardini)的收藏中出售,当时该语料库被乐观地归因于布鲁内莱斯基。当它于1981年进入大都会博物馆时,詹姆斯·大卫·德雷珀(James David Draper)将语料库指定为与基地大致同时期的米兰产品。然而,基督的细长身材和他狮子座的头发反对这样的约会。此外,与基础不同,语料库是完美铸造的结果。X光片揭示了精致薄而均匀的墙壁,向理查德·斯通暗示了一个习惯于用贵金属铸造的银匠的手。语料库的另一个例子,虽然没有我们的那么精致,但最近在艺术市场上以"大约1600年,意大利语(可能是罗马语)"的形式提供。[7]


1. C. 艾弗里 2016,第 12–16 页。
2. 有关签名的替代阅读,请参阅 cat。84.
3.有关搪塑成型,请参阅本卷中理查德·斯通的文章,第 00 页。
4. C. Avery 2016,第 129 页,第 34 期。
5. 同上,第133页。《论地狱之山》,现藏于莫斯科普希金博物馆(7268、7269),见《波德》1907-12,第 1 卷,第 22 页,请第二十五、二十六;莱特-贾斯珀 1975,第 124–33 页;锡拉库扎诺 2017a,第 170–73 页,第 5 期。
6. X光片突出了语料库中一种奇怪的技术组合:石膏芯,在北方的例子中更典型,带有钻孔的芯针和精心安装的螺旋塞,这是佛罗伦萨詹博洛尼亚/苏西尼的传统。理查德·斯通(Richard Stone)提出,该语料库是在十七世纪后期在罗马铸造的。他将头骨确定为高锌黄铜,这支持了艾弗里的理论,即它是后来插入的。R. Stone/TR,2010 年 10 月 29 日。
7. 迈克尔·里迪克,旧世界奇观,利斯堡,https://www.oldworldwonders.com/product/an-important-gilt-bronze-corpus-ca-1600-italian。
介绍(英)The cross with a gilt corpus stands on a base representing Mount Golgotha. The base is decorated with cast-in Roman coins and images of fossils, shells, snails, and a hedgehog; its feet are modeled in the shape of a sphinx. The base is signed IOSEH DE·LEVIS VER·F. (fig. 83a), according to which it was cast by Joseph de Levis, a bronze founder and sculptor active in Verona in the late sixteenth century and most probably of Jewish origins. De Levis frequently signed his bronzes, and the signatures have been analyzed in depth by Charles Avery, who concluded that here it should be read as “Joseph de Levis made me in Verona.”[1] The mention of the city is thus a locative, not a reference to the sculptor’s hometown (that is, Joseph de Levis of Verona, Latin: Veronensis). Written in full, the signature in Latin could be “Joseph[us] de Levis Ver[onae] F[ecit].” This reading is in line with a family tradition: Joseph’s elder brother signed church bells in Italian, “Santo de Levis in Verona me fece.” The signature thus gives visibility to the place in which the bronze was physically cast and stresses the Jewish heritage of the family, as the italianized “Giuseppe” never appears in contemporaneous documents.[2]

The base is cast from a slush-molded wax model.[3] The inserted skull, which Avery considers to be a later addition, refers to the tomb of Adam. The coin on the lower front with the winged lion of Saint Mark in relief signifies the Republic of Venice. One of the Roman coins bears the profile portrait of Nero and the asymmetrical inscription IMP·NERO·CAESAR. The Roman coins denote the time of Christ, evoking the Passion and the betrayal of Judas. Avery has compared the sphinxlike feet to those of de Levis’s inkstand with Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Well.[4] Golgotha is characterized by a style typical of the Paduan bronze tradition, for instance in the detail work of the shells and fossils, probably taken directly from nature. Avery, in fact, recalls an old attribution of our Golgotha to the Paduan Bartolomeo Bellano in light of its stylistic similarity to the so-called Mountains of Hell, which were ascribed to Bellano by Wilhelm von Bode and then firmly documented to Agostino Zoppo by Manfred Leithe-Jasper and dated around 1540–50.[5]

The corpus and the Golgotha base are neither technically nor stylistically related. The Christ figure seen here is evidently not the original one and seems to be a much later product, possibly made by a Veneto artist.[6] The work in its current state was sold from the collection of the Florentine art dealer Stefano Bardini in 1899, at which time the corpus was optimistically attributed to Brunelleschi. When it entered The Met in 1981, James David Draper designated the corpus a Milanese product roughly contemporaneous with the base. The elongated figure of Christ and his leonine hair, however, argue against such a dating. Moreover, the corpus is the result of a perfect cast, unlike the base. X-radiographs have revealed the exquisitely thin, even walls, suggesting to Richard Stone the hand of a silversmith accustomed to casting in precious metal. Another example of the corpus, though much less refined than ours, was recently offered on the art market as “ca. 1600, Italian (probably Roman).”[7]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. C. Avery 2016, pp. 12–16.
2. For an alternate reading of the signature, see cat. 84.
3. For slush molding, see the essay by Richard Stone in this volume, p. 00.
4. C. Avery 2016, p. 129, no. 34.
5. Ibid., p. 133. On the Mountains of Hell, now in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow (7268, 7269), see Bode 1907–12, vol. 1, p. 22, pls. XXV, XXVI; Leithe-Jasper 1975, pp. 124–33; Siracusano 2017a, pp. 170–73, no. 5.
6. Radiographs highlight a curious technical combination in the corpus: a plaster core, more typical in Northern examples, with drilled-out core pins and carefully fitted screw plugs in the Florentine Giambologna/Susini tradition. Richard Stone has proposed that the corpus was cast in Rome in the later seventeenth century. He identified the skull as a high zinc brass, which supports Avery’s theory that it was inserted later. R. Stone/TR, October 29, 2010.
7. Michael Riddick, Old World Wonders, Leesburg, https://www.oldworldwonders.com/product/an-important-gilt-bronze-corpus-ca-1600-italian.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。