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策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jean Ducrollay【1709 至 1760】
创作年份公元 1736 - 公元 1737
分类金属制品黄金和铂金(Metalwork-Gold and Platinum)
尺寸整体: 1 9/16 × 3 5/16 × 2 11/16 英寸 (4 × 8.4 × 6.8 厘米)

Jean Ducrollay是巴黎最优秀的金匠之一,这是他作品的早期例子。就像几年前制作的黄金和钻石鼻烟壶一样,它的装饰反映了新生的洛可可风格,这种风格有利于突出使用卷轴和S曲线以及不对称的构图。尽管鼻烟

广受欢迎,而且许多用来装鼻烟的盒子都很美,但鼻烟也有批评者,包括路易十四的嫂子,奥尔良公爵夫人伊丽莎白-夏洛特,她在 1713 年 8 月 5 日写信给她同父异母的妹妹路易斯·冯·德根菲尔德:"烟草是可怕的东西。我真诚地希望你不要接受它。看到这里的女人鼻子脏得好像把她们扔进了污秽里,我感到很生气。他们把手指伸进他们遇到的每个男人的鼻烟盒里。我承认这让我彻底厌恶。
介绍(英)The basic design of snuffboxes was to a certain extent determined by their function. As the ritual of taking snuff required holding the box in one hand while taking a pinch of the powdered tobacco with the other, a snuffbox had to fit comfortably in the palm of one’s hand. The use of a hinged lid on the box minimized any spillage, and the lid had to fit very snugly in order to keep the snuff dry. In addition, the box had to open to a precise angle that would permit easy access to the contents while allowing it to remain stable with the lid raised. The French gold-box makers became extremely skilled in the techniques of construction, as evidenced here, for example, in the visual absence of solder and the beautifully engineered hinges that were standard on most boxes of the eighteenth century.

Jean Ducrollay was one of the finest of the Parisian goldsmiths, and this is an early example of his work. Like the snuffbox in gold and diamonds made a few years earlier, its decoration reflects the nascent Rococo style, which favored a prominent use of scrolls and S-curves and asymmetrical compositions.

Despite the widespread popularity of snuff and the beauty of many of the boxes created to hold it, snuff taking had its detractors, including the sister-in-law of Louis XIV, Élisabeth-Charlotte, duchesse d’Orléans, who wrote to her half-sister Luise von Degenfeld on August 5, 1713: “Tobacco is horrible stuff. I sincerely hope that you don’t take it. It makes me furious to see the women here with their noses as dirty as if they had plunged them into filth. They put their fingers into the snuff boxes of every man they meet. I confess that makes me thoroughly disgusted.”
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。