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品名(英)Mantel clock (pendule de cheminée)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者François Joseph Belanger【1744 至 1818】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1778 - 公元 1788
尺寸整体: 21 × 21 1/2 × 6 1/4 英寸 (53.3 × 54.6 × 15.9 厘米)
介绍(中)在法国大革命前夕拍摄法国首都的日常生活,剧作家路易·塞巴斯蒂安·梅西尔(Louis-Sébastien Mercier,1740–1814)在巴黎Tableau观察到:"每一个烟囱都有它的时钟;我认为这是一种遗憾;一种令人沮丧的方式。没有什么比时钟更令人沮丧的了;你看着自己的生命在消逝,钟摆每一秒都在滴答作响,只有在它流逝的时候,它才是你的,然后就不再是你的了。时钟无处不在,在你看到的每一个房间里,显然没有人觉得它们令人不安,尽管它们最无情地标记着人类的飞翔。"rs;钟像小寺庙,或镀金青铜圆顶,或白色大理石球体,人物像赤道一样绕着地球运行。奢侈在设计这些多余的华丽时,已经耗尽了所有的想象力,它不能再进一步了;而且,由于它们非常无用,甚至不赏心悦目,在这种徒劳的支出中浪费金钱是令人心碎的。"

Mercier是否会同样批评博物馆的时计,它的机芯放在两个有翅膀的狮身人面像背面的流苏垫子上?案件的高潮暗示了爱情:一对报信的鸽子栖息在云彩上,从云彩中洒下鲜花,大部分是玫瑰和桃金娘树枝,这两种都是金星的圣物。狮身人面像斜倚在白色大理石基座上,其半圆形末端点缀着水果和花朵的花环。前面凹陷的托勒伍德饰板上有描绘十二生肖中六个的奖章。狮身人面像带着条纹假发,表达了人们对一种源自古埃及艺术的新颖装饰形式的兴趣。巴加泰尔的沙龙提供了一个几乎一模一样的时钟,这是一座为阿图瓦伯爵夫人(comte d‘Artois)用了六十三天建造的游乐亭,她的嫂子玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)曾打赌,这项工作不可能在三个月内完成。建筑师贝兰格不仅为建筑提供了设计,还为许多室内陈设提供了设计。然而,这些设计需要更长的时间才能完成。一份与Bagatelle钟有关的当代文件提供了1783年的日期,给出了设计师贝兰格的名字,并将一位非常优秀的青铜工人皮埃尔·古蒂埃(Pierre Gouthière)确定为追逐者和镀金者。Gouthière以一种特殊类型的镀金而闻名,该镀金采用哑光饰面,在抛光区域旁边设置时会产生生动的效果,如博物馆时钟上所示。机芯由Lepoute工作室制造,这是一家著名的钟表制造商公司,由表盘上显示的不同家族成员组成。
介绍(英)Capturing daily life in the French capital on the eve of the Revolution, the playwright Louis-Sébastien Mercier (1740–1814) observed in Tableau de Paris: “Every chimney-piece has its clock; a pity, I think; a dismal fashion. Nothing is more dreary to contemplate than a clock; you watch your life ebbing, the pendulum ticks off each second that is yours only as it passes, and then is yours no more. Clocks are everywhere, in every room you see them, and apparently nobody finds them disturbing, though they mark most mercilessly the flight of the hours; clocks like little temples, or with domes of gilded bronze, or perhaps globes of white marble, with figures running round like an equator.. . . Luxury has run the whole gamut of imagination in devising these superfluous splendours, it can go no further; and since they are quite useless, and not even pleasing to the eye, the waste of money in such futile expenditure is heartbreaking.”

Would Mercier have been equally critical of the Museum’s timepiece, its movement resting on a tasseled cushion placed on the backs of two winged sphinxes? The cresting of the case alludes to love: a pair of billing doves perches on clouds from which spill flowers, mostly roses and myrtle branches, both sacred to Venus. The sphinxes recline on a white marble base with semicircular ends that are embellished with garlands of fruit and flowers. The recessed tolework panel in front encloses medallions depicting six of the twelve zodiac signs. With their striated wigs, the sphinxes are expressions of the budding interest in a novel form of decoration inspired by art from ancient Egypt. A clock of nearly this exact model was supplied for use in the salon at Bagatelle, the pleasure pavilion built in just sixtythree days for the comte d’Artois, whose sister-in-law Marie-Antoinette had wagered that the work could not be finished in less than three months. The architect Bélanger provided designs not only for the building but also for many of its interior furnishings, which took longer to complete, however. A contemporary document pertaining to the Bagatelle clock provides a date of 1783, gives the name of the designer Bélanger, and identifies Pierre Gouthière, an exceptionally fine bronze worker, as the chaser and gilder. Gouthière was known for a special type of gilding with a matte finish that creates a lively effect when set next to burnished areas, as seen on the Museum’s clock. The movement is by the Lepaute workshop, a distinguished firm of clockmakers consisting of various family members by that name, which appears on the dial.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。