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品名(英)Armchair (fauteuil à la reine) (part of a set)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Nicolas-Quinibert Foliot【1706 至 1776】
创作年份公元 1749 - 公元 1761
尺寸整体: 40 7/8 × 29 × 26 英寸 (103.8 × 73.7 × 66 厘米)
介绍(中)约翰·恩斯特·贝尔斯托夫男爵(1712–1772)在1744年至1751年间担任丹麦驻凡尔赛宫大使。根据卢伊内斯公爵查尔斯·菲利普·达阿尔贝(CharlesPhilipped'Albert,1695-1758)的说法,这位外交官年轻而机智,既有技巧又有品味,法语说得比许多母语人士都好。[1] 在法国期间,伯恩斯托夫建立了许多友谊,并对法国的生活方式产生了浓厚的兴趣。因此,他带着不情愿的心情,于1751年离开巴黎回到丹麦,担任外交部长一职

在哥本哈根新建住宅的挂毯室,他从博韦制造厂购买了一系列四壁挂毯,《众神之爱》(Les Amours des Dieux)。一套十二把扶手椅和两张长沙发(所有这些都在博物馆的收藏中)的封面同时编织,以补充挂毯。他们展示了动物、鸟类和花卉的轻松构图,这些构图基于让·巴普蒂斯特·欧德利(1686–1755)的设计。座椅家具的框架是由巴黎菜单师尼古拉斯·奎尼贝尔特·福利奥特(Nicolas Quinibert Foliot)制作的,他和父亲尼古拉斯·福利奥特一样,都是王室的家具制造商。十二把椅子中的八把和一把长沙发上都印着他的名字。以对称放置的洛可可装饰、花环、棕榈枝和以顶部栏杆为中心的大型贝壳图案为丰富元素,椅子和长沙发的起伏轮廓在挂毯封面中得到了呼应。这些作品沿着墙壁排列,构成了房间内部装饰的一个组成部分,由Bernstorff根据最新的法国时尚设计,配有控制台桌、镜子和镀金青铜器,这些都是在巴黎购买的

挂毯室一直保持完好,直到二十世纪初,当时丹麦国王克里斯蒂安九世的次子、希腊国王乔治一世(1845–1913)是伯恩斯托夫宫的主人。在椅子和长沙发的木制框架上印上的冠G标志表明这些家具是他的财产。他分别出售了挂毯和座椅家具,到1902年,美国金融家兼收藏家J·皮尔庞特·摩根(J.Pierpont Morgan)购买了这些椅子和长沙发,供他在伦敦的住宅使用。1908年,英国女王亚历山德拉(1844–1925)和她的妹妹、俄罗斯女皇玛丽亚·费奥多罗芙娜(1847–1928)在那里访问时,两位丹麦公主都承认这些作品属于他们的弟弟乔治。其中一人惊呼道:"为什么,这些椅子……我们的兄弟有这些椅子,但它们消失了,我们永远不知道它们变成了什么样子;它们肯定被卖掉了。"[2]

[Daniëlle Kisluk Grossheide,2010]

<1]Luynes 1735–58/1860–65,第6卷,第452页。
[2]Taylor 1957,第24页。
介绍(英)Baron Johann Ernst Bernstorff (1712–1772) served as Danish ambassador to the court of Versailles between 1744 and 1751. According to Charles-Philippe d’Albert, duc de Luynes (1695–1758), the diplomat was youthful and witty, possessed both finesse and taste, and spoke the French language better than many native speakers.[1] During his stay in France, Bernstorff formed many friendships and developed a marked taste for the French way of life. It was, therefore, with reluctance that he left Paris and returned to Denmark in 1751 to assume the post of minister of foreign affairs.

For the tapestry room of his newly built residence in Copenhagen, he acquired a series of four wall hangings, Les Amours des Dieux (The Loves of the Gods), from the Beauvais Manufactory. Covers for a set of twelve armchairs and two settees (all of which are in the Museum’s collection) were woven at the same time to complement the tapestries. They display lighthearted compositions of animals, birds, and flowers based on designs by Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686–1755). The frames of the seat furniture were made by the Parisian menuisier Nicolas-Quinibert Foliot, who, like his father, Nicolas Foliot, was furniture maker to the king’s household. Eight of the twelve chairs and one of the settees are stamped with his name. Enriched with symmetrically placed Rococo ornament, floral garlands, palm branches, and a large shell motif centered on the crest rail, the undulating outline of the chairs and settees is echoed in the tapestry covers. Arranged along the walls, these pieces formed an integral aspect of the interior decoration of the room, which was furnished by Bernstorff according to the latest French fashion with console tables, mirrors, and gilt bronzes, all acquired in Paris.

The tapestry room remained intact until the early twentieth century, when George I of the Hellenes (1845–1913), second son of King Christian IX of Denmark, was the owner of Bernstorff Palace. The crowned-G mark branded in the wooden frames of the chairs and settees identify the pieces as his property. He sold the tapestries and the seat furniture separately, and by 1902 the American financier and collector J. Pierpont Morgan had acquired the chairs and settees for use in his London town house. There, during a visit in 1908 and much to their surprise, Queen Alexandra of England (1844–1925) and her sister Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia (1847 –1928), both Danish princesses, recognized the pieces as having belonged to their brother George. One of them exclaimed, “Why, there are the chairs...our brother had those chairs but they disappeared and we never knew what had become of them; they must have been sold.”[2]

[Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, 2010]


[1] Luynes 1735–58/1860 – 65, vol. 6, p. 452.
[2] Taylor 1957, p. 24.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。