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品名(英)Temple of Venus
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Meissen Manufactory【1710 至 现在】【德国人】
创作年份公元 1722 - 公元 1733
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 11 9/16 × 8 5/8 × 3 3/8 英寸 (29.4 × 21.9 × 8.6 厘米)
介绍(中)这件引人注目的瓷器雕塑的形式让人想起了凯旋门,尽管这件作品的中心被一个壁龛占据,壁龛两侧是罗马爱奥尼亚柱。站在壁龛里的是维纳斯和丘比特的雕像,维纳斯手持一颗燃烧的心,丘比特向她伸出手来。该建筑的高基座向两侧延伸,左边是木星和他的鹰,右边是一个空地,朱诺的雕像几乎肯定会矗立在那里,但显然已经被折断了。壁龛上方是一个两端都有倾斜屋顶的双檐,未经装饰的区域,其中可能会放置另一个人物。[1] 底座、柱子、柱子后面的壁柱和顶部的倾斜屋顶的装饰大理石花纹强调了该结构的建筑质量。奇怪的是,装饰方案还包括一系列带有中国风格的场景,这些场景似乎与神话人物或雕塑的强烈建筑风格无关。小规模中国风场景的精细绘画质量和松散的大理石花纹之间的对比创造了一种令人惊讶的美学效果,再加上这两个人物相对简单的造型,使维纳斯神庙与17世纪20年代末在迈森制作的任何其他作品都不一样。重要的是要将雕塑视为工厂雇佣的第一位雕塑家创作的最早作品之一,从这个角度来看,这必须被视为一项雄心勃勃的事业

根据当代工厂记录,已知Johann Gottlieb Kirchner(德语,b.1706)于1727年7月为雕塑创作了模型,在原始文件中称为维纳斯神庙。[2]1729年7月,迈森库存中记录了维纳斯神庙的三个例子,[3]1733年订购了两个,交付给德累斯顿的日本宫。[4] 另一座维纳斯神庙至今仍保存着,在这个例子中,现在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆收藏的三个神话人物,包括朱诺的神话人物,都完好无损。[5] 虽然选择用瓷器建造维纳斯神庙对迈森工厂来说似乎出乎意料,但在德累斯顿宫廷圈子里,用其他媒体建造的供奉爱女神的神庙既直接又地位崇高。1719年,在德累斯顿举行的庆祝王储弗雷德里克·奥古斯特二世(1696–1763)与神圣罗马帝国皇帝约瑟夫一世(1678–1711)之女玛丽亚·约瑟芬(1699–1757)婚礼的晚宴上,一座巨大的双层维纳斯神庙作为主要的餐桌装饰。[6] 为这场婚礼制定的装饰和礼仪被认为是如此成功,以至于他们为德累斯顿未来的皇家婚礼树立了典范。[7]


在为维纳斯神庙建模时,基什内尔借鉴了他熟悉的资料来源。他的哥哥Johann Christian Kirchner(德语,1691-1732)与宫廷雕塑家Balthasar Permoser(德语,1651-1732。佩莫瑟的三件花园雕塑是为维纳斯神庙创作的人物模型,其中两件佩莫瑟作品是为Zwinger制作的。[9] 佩莫瑟的第三个雕塑是维纳斯雕像,是为位于德累斯顿西部的博尔纳镇[10]的一座庄园的花园制作的,年轻的基什内尔可能可以通过他的兄弟进入。金星神庙的建筑元素也让人想起了Zwinger。亚伯拉罕·L·登·布劳文(Abraham L.den Blaauwen)指出,金星神庙顶部的倾斜屋顶与宁芬巴德(Nymphenbad)上发现的屋顶相似,宁芬巴德是Zwinger建筑群中一个精心设计的建筑喷泉。[11] 维纳斯神庙柱子上独特的低浮雕、叶理装饰与Zwinger发现的柱子上类似的雕刻装饰相呼应。[12]


2 Blaauwen 2000年,第101–2页
介绍(英)The form of this remarkable porcelain sculpture recalls that of a triumphal arch, though the center of this object is occupied by a niche flanked by Roman Ionic columns. Standing in the niche are the figures of Venus, who holds a flaming heart, and a cupid, who reaches toward her. The structure’s tall base extends on either side, showing the figure of Jupiter with his eagle to the left, and an empty space to the right, where the figure of Juno almost certainly would have stood but clearly has been broken off. Above the niche is a double entablature with sloping roofs at both ends, and a central depressed, undecorated area in which another figure presumably would have been placed.[1] The architectural quality of the structure has been emphasized by the decorative marbling of the base, the columns, the pilasters located behind the columns, and the sloping roofs at the top. Curiously, the decorative scheme also includes a series of reserves with chinoiserie scenes that do not appear to be related to either the mythological figures or to the strong architectural aspect of the sculpture. The contrast between the finely painted quality of the small-scale chinoiserie scenes and the loosely executed marbling creates a surprising aesthetic effect that, in combination with the relatively unsophisticated modeling of the two figures, makes the Venus Temple unlike anything else produced at Meissen during the late 1720s. It is important to view the sculpture as one of the earliest works to have been created by the first sculptor employed by the factory, and from this perspective, it must be regarded as a highly ambitious undertaking.

From contemporary factory records, it is known that Johann Gottlieb Kirchner (German, b. 1706) created the model for the sculpture, referred to in original documents as the Venus Tempel, in July 1727.[2] Three examples of the Venus Temple were recorded in the Meissen inventory in July 1729,[3] and two were ordered in 1733 for delivery to the Japanese Palace in Dresden.[4] Another Venus Temple is known to survive today, and on this example, now in the collections of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the three mythological figures, including that of Juno, are intact.[5] While the choice to create a Venus Temple in porcelain may seem unexpected for the Meissen factory, temples devoted to the Goddess of Love created in other media had both an immediacy and an elevated status in Dresden court circles. A large, two-tiered Venus Temple had served as the primary table decoration at a dinner held in Dresden in 1719 to celebrate the wedding of the Crown Prince Frederick August II (1696–1763) to Maria Josepha (1699–1757), daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I (1678–1711).[6] The decorations and protocol established for this wedding were considered so successful that they established the model for future royal weddings in Dresden.[7]

Even though it might seem logical to assume that the porcelain Venus Temple was created to serve as table decoration, its early date of production indicates that it would not have been displayed on the dining or dessert table. It was not until the mid-1730s that porcelain sculpture would begin to play a major role in decorating the table, gradually replacing the long-established practice of creating sugar sculptures to serve as the decorative elements. It is not known specifically how the two Venus Temples ordered for the Japanese Palace were intended to be displayed, but they were part of a very large order of vases, tea services, plates, tureens, and figures, all of which would have been installed decoratively on the walls.[8]

In modeling the Venus Temple, Kirchner drew upon sources with which he was familiar. His older brother, Johann Christian Kirchner (German, 1691–1732), worked with the court sculptor Balthasar Permoser (German, 1651– 1732) on the decorative program for the Zwinger Palace in Dresden, a complex used for display and entertainment, which was constructed from 1710 to 1728. Three garden sculptures by Permoser served as models for the figures created for the Venus Temple, and two of these works by Permoser were made for the Zwinger.[9] The third sculpture by Permoser, the figure of Venus, was produced for a garden in a manor house in Borna,[10] a town located to the west of Dresden, which may have been accessible to the younger Kirchner through his brother. Elements of the architecture of the Venus Temple recall the Zwinger as well. Abraham L. den Blaauwen has noted the sloping roofs atop the Venus Temple are similar to those found on the Nymphenbad, an elaborate architectural fountain within the Zwinger complex.[11] The distinctive low-relief, foliate decoration on the columns of the Venus Temple echo similar carved ornament on columns found within the Zwinger.[12]

It is not surprising that Kirchner looked to sources close at hand for inspiration for his Venus Temple. Sculptural production of European subjects was still in its infancy at Meissen, and no repertoire of figural types had yet been established. Furthermore, there was a natural association between the court architecture created for August II (1670–1733), commonly known as Augustus the Strong, elector of Saxony, king of Poland, and the porcelain produced at Meissen to decorate one of his palaces. The strongly architectural nature, as exemplified by the Venus Temple, was not a stylistic direction that Meissen would explore in depth, but the depiction of figures in the European tradition would soon become one of the defining aspects of the factory’s production.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Munger, European Porcelain in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2018)
1 It has been suggested that a figure of Cronos may have surmounted the sculpture; Cassidy-Geiger 2002b, p. 166, n. 56.
2 Blaauwen 2000, pp. 101–2.
3 Ibid., p. 101.
4 Cassidy-Geiger 1996b, p. 122. More recent information suggests that the Specification dates from 1733 rather than 1736; Cassidy-Geiger 2002a, p. 34, n. 31.
5 Blaauwen 2000, pp. 100–102, no. 50.
6 Cassidy-Geiger 2002a, p. 29, fig. 15.
7 Ibid., pp. 29–30.
8 Cassidy-Geiger 1996b.
9 Cassidy-Geiger 2002b, p. 166, n. 56. Two other garden sculptures by Permoser have been proposed as the sources for the porcelain figures of Jupiter and Juno; Blaauwen 2000, p. 101. It is also possible that Kirchner was working from drawings attributed to his brother for the figures of Jupiter and Juno; Blaauwen 2000, p. 102.
10 Cassidy-Geiger 2002b, p. 166, n. 56.
11 Blaauwen 2000, p. 101.
12 See Asche 1978, figs. 218, 232, 235; Blaauwen 2000, p. 101.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。