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品名(英)Tarquin and Lucretia
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Hubert Gerhard【1540 至 1621】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1605 - 公元 1610
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 高 19 13/16 x 宽 15 x 深 15 3/8 英寸 (50.3 x 38.1 x 39.1 厘米)
介绍(中)在十六世纪后期,雕塑家詹博洛尼亚的创新风格和惊人的成功(见条目30)吸引了许多艺术家到佛罗伦萨加入他的大型工作室。两位出生在低地国家的雕塑家——来自斯海尔托亨博斯的休伯特·格哈德(Hubert Gerhard)和来自海牙的阿德里安·德弗里斯(Adriaen de Vries)——吸收了他的风格,但将其转化为独特的习语,并带回了北欧。德弗里斯(见第32条)四处游荡,被米兰、都灵、奥格斯堡和布拉格的委员会占据;格哈德主要在德国南部城市奥格斯堡、因斯布鲁克和慕尼黑工作。两人都掌握了青铜的媒介,经常以大型或真人大小的工作,但也生产小雕像。这幅塔奎尼乌斯和卢克丽霞(Tarquinius and Lucretia)存在许多版本,与每位雕塑家风格的各个方面相交,多年来,其归属在它们之间来回移动.1在

博物馆的青铜组中,挣扎的人物紧密交织的肢体表达了历史主题的紧张和暴力,罗马女仆的强奸, 这促使她自杀(见第50条)。休伯特·格哈德(Hubert Gerhard)的大型雕塑《火星、维纳斯和丘比特》(约1585 – 90年,奥格斯堡附近的基希海姆宫),以及大约二十年后他创作的主题的较小变种青铜器(维也纳艺术史博物馆)与当前的作品密切相关,尤其是男人的腿挂在女人的腿上的方式.2在此基础上, 学术界一致认为,一定是格哈德设计了塔奎尼乌斯和卢克丽霞。最近不仅对格哈德的作品进行了重新评估,而且对德弗里斯的作品也对这个青铜组的作者身份产生了疑问。1998年,弗里茨·肖尔滕(Frits Scholten)发现,在一个方向上协调的人物的运动与格哈德的群体,特别是火星,金星和丘比特的复杂来回姿势不同。3 他还挑选了两幅德弗里斯的作品,角斗士(约 1602 – 11 年,维也纳艺术史博物馆)和失落的克利奥帕特拉雕像,通过印刷品而闻名,作为这两个人物的来源。2000年,研究格哈德的最重要专家多萝西娅·迪默(Dorothea Diemer)认为塔奎尼乌斯和卢克丽霞可能是格哈德或德弗里斯的作品,但在她的最新出版物中,这是迄今为止对格哈德的权威研究,她将其归入"拒绝归因"类别.4然而,塔奎尼乌斯和卢克丽霞的运动似乎比德弗里斯的松散四肢更紧密。 不合时宜的姿势,通常更符合格哈德纪律严明的构图;因此,我们在这里坚持对格哈德的归属,同时承认迪默的相反意见。

对于两位艺术家来说,不寻常的是这个群体存在的大量演员。已知至少有十件,包括该博物馆杰克和贝尔·林斯基收藏中质量较低的一幅.5 显着差异将它们区分开来。例如,在目前的版本中,塔奎尼乌斯悬挂的腿上或下方没有帷幔,但有些落在卢克丽霞的左腿上;克利夫兰的一个版本显示布披在两位主角的左大腿上;在另一个版本中,在英国的一个私人收藏中,卢克丽霞的左大腿上没有帷幔,但一条布条将她的大腿与他的大腿隔开.6 在每个工作中,布以不同的节奏穿过四肢;对于这位作者来说,博物馆版本中肉体与肉体的直接接触提供了对性掠夺的最有力的表现。威廉·威克森(William Wixom)认为,克利夫兰版本是第一个,因为它缺乏基础并且具有最微妙的建模。另一方面,肖尔滕认为,无论是英文收藏中的版本还是巴尔的摩沃尔特斯艺术博物馆中的版本,都可能是原始版本,因为它们的方形底座(德弗里斯的偏好)并且因为数字缺乏缓存 sexe。十个版本中铸件的质量有相当大的差异,有些版本的金属有缺陷;这一点以及模型之间的实质性差异使得这十个可能是在相当长的一段时间内制作的,可能是在其他艺术家的干预下。博物馆的作品在选角后只被最低限度地追逐;它在塔奎尼乌斯右臂的肘部下方有一个熟练的连接,并在卢克丽霞的左膝盖下方修复了旋入式插头。

1. Diemer 2004,第 2 卷,第 178 – 79 页,第 T-L2 期,总结了归属的变化,第 1 卷,第 405 – 11 页,广泛阐述了在进行这些归因时所权衡的因素。

2. 关于基希海姆宫的火星、金星和丘比特,见同上,第 1 卷,图 154,第 2 卷,第 147 – 49 页,第 7 期,第 21 – 25 页,128b – 31,以及艺术史博物馆的变体,同上,第 2 卷,第 16 期,第 158 – 59 页,第 3、72、73 页。

3. 肖尔滕 1998b;弗里茨·肖尔滕在德弗里斯 1998 年,第 134 – 36 页。

4. 迪默在德弗里斯 2000 年,第 331 – 33 页,第 45 期;Diemer 2004,第 2 卷,第 178 – 79 页,第 t-l2 期。

5. William D. Wixom在文艺复兴时期的青铜器1975,n.p.,第213号,提供了变体列表,应将英语私人收藏中的版本添加到其中(Scholten in De Vries 1998,第134 – 36页,第11号)。林斯基收藏中的版本编号为1982.60.122。6. 对于

克利夫兰版本,请参阅Wixom在文艺复兴时期的青铜器1975年,n.p.,第213号,对于私人收藏的版本,请参阅Scholten在De Vries 1998,第134 – 36,第11号。
介绍(英)In the late sixteenth century the innovative style and phenomenal success of the sculptor Giambologna (see entry no. 30) attracted many artists to Florence to join his large workshop. Two sculptors born, as was that master, in the Low Countries —  Hubert Gerhard, from s’ Hertogenbosch, and Adriaen de Vries, from The Hague —  absorbed his manner but transformed it into distinctive idioms that they carried back to northern Europe. De Vries (see entry no. 32) was peripatetic, occupied by commissions in Milan, Turin, Augsburg, and Prague; Gerhard worked mainly in the South German cities of Augsburg, Innsbruck, and Munich. Both mastered the medium of bronze, working often at a large or lifesize scale but also producing statuettes. This Tarquinius and Lucretia, of which a number of versions exist, intersects with aspects of each sculptor’s style, and over the years its attribution has shifted back and forth between them.1

In the Museum’s bronze group the struggling figures’ tightly interwoven limbs express the tension and violence of the historical subject, the rape of a Roman matron, which prompted her suicide (see entry no. 50). Hubert Gerhard’s large-scale sculpture Mars, Venus, and Cupid (ca. 1585 – 90, Schloss Kirchheim, near Augsburg), and a smaller, variant bronze of the subject he produced some two decades later (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) are closely related to the present work in their composition, especially in the way the man’s leg is slung over the woman’s.2 On this basis, the scholarly world concurred that Gerhard must have devised the Tarquinius and Lucretia. Recent reappraisals not only of Gerhard’s work but also of De Vries’s have put the authorship of this bronze group at issue. In 1998 Frits Scholten found the movement of the figures coordinated in one direction to be unlike the complex, back-and-forth poses of Gerhard’s groups, particularly the Mars, Venus, and Cupid. 3 He also singled out two De Vries compositions, the Gladiator (ca. 1602 – 11, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) and the lost statue of Cleopatra, known through prints, as sources for the two figures. In 2000 the foremost expert on Gerhard, Dorothea Diemer, thought that the Tarquinius and Lucretia could be by either Gerhard or De Vries, but in her latest publication, which is the definitive study of Gerhard to date, she relegates it to a "rejected attributions" category.4 Yet the movements of Tarquinius and Lucretia seem more tightly structured than De Vries’s loose-limbed, off-kilter poses and generally more in line with Gerhard’s disciplined compositions; thus, we maintain the attribution to Gerhard here, while acknowledging Diemer’s opinion to the contrary.

Unusual for either artist is the large number of casts that exist of this group. At least ten are known, including one of lesser quality in the Jack and Belle Linsky collection in this Museum.5 Significant differences distinguish them. For example, in the present version, there is no drapery over or under Tarquinius’s slung leg but some falls over Lucretia’s left leg; a version in Cleveland shows cloth draped over the left thighs of both protagonists; and in yet another version, in a private collection in England, Lucretia has no drapery over her left thigh but a passage of fabric separates her thighs from his.6 In each work cloth threads through the limbs in different rhythms; for this author, the direct contact of flesh on flesh in the Museum’s version offers the most forceful representation of sexual predation. William Wixom has argued that the Cleveland version was the first one because it lacks a base and has the subtlest modeling. Scholten, on the other hand, believed that either the version in an English collection or the one in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, is likely to be the original because of their square bases (a preference of De Vries’s) and because the figures lack a cache-sexe. There is a considerable range in the quality of the casting among the ten versions, and some have faults in their metal; this and the substantial differences among the models make it likely that the ten were produced over a significant period of time, probably with the intervention of other artists. The Museum’s work was only minimally chased after casting; it has a skillful join below the elbow of Tarquinius’s right arm and a repair of screwed-in plugs below Lucretia’s left knee.

1. Diemer 2004, vol. 2, pp. 178 – 79 , no. t-l2, summarizes the changes of attribution, and vol. 1, pp. 405 – 11, offers an extensive account of the factors weighed in making these attributions.

2. For the Mars, Venus, and Cupid at Schloss Kirchheim, see ibid., vol. 1, fig. 154, vol. 2, pp. 147 – 49, no. g7, pls. 21 – 25, 128b – 31, and for the variant at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, ibid., vol. 2, no. g16, pp. 158 – 59, pls. 3, 72, 73.

3. Scholten 1998b; Frits Scholten in De Vries 1998, pp. 134 – 36.

4. Diemer in De Vries 2000, pp. 331 – 33, no. 45; Diemer 2004, vol. 2, pp. 178 – 79, no. t-l2.

5. William D. Wixom in Renaissance Bronzes 1975, n.p., no. 213, provides a list of the variants, to which should be added the version in an English private collection (Scholten in De Vries 1998, pp. 134 – 36, no. 11). The version in the Linsky collection is acc. no. 1982.60.122.

6. For the Cleveland version, see Wixom in Renaissance Bronzes 1975, n.p., no. 213, and for the version in a private collection, see Scholten in De Vries 1998, pp. 134 – 36, no. 11.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。