
搜索结果最多仅显示 10 条随机数据
品名(英)Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Pastorino di Giovan Michele de' Pastorini【1508 至 1592】
创作年份公元 1800 - 公元 1999
尺寸高 without base: 8 1/2 英寸 (21.6 厘米)
介绍(中)卡拉布里亚的出处是由威廉·冯·博德在 1922 年 3 月 4 日写给一个不知名的收件人,可能是经销商爱德华·甘斯。它不仅仅是一粒盐,就像博德接受某人提议的本韦努托切利尼(!)作为制造商一样。[1]奥

塔维奥·法尔内塞(Ottavio Farnese,1524-1586 年)是教皇保罗三世的孙子,帕尔马和皮亚琴察公爵,脖子上的绳索上戴着金羊毛的徽章。它于1547年由皇帝查理五世授予他,但在争吵后于1552年归还。这种鉴定起源于戈德史密斯和拉吉奥,根据奥塔维奥和他的兄弟红衣主教亚历山德罗·法尔内塞(Alessandro Farnese)的三重肖像似乎是正确的,他们位于卡波迪蒙特教皇的两侧。[2]然而,半身像的制作不可能追溯到文艺复兴时期,它提醒人们在处理任何世纪的微型半身像时要谨慎行事,因为它们可以以很少的成本和可观的利润生产,尤其是在描绘名人时。戈德史密斯和拉吉奥注意到"印象派"建模,这应该是一个警告。事实上,负责的建模师得意忘形,想要捕捉大师的破折号和"绘画"渣滓,让头发和盔甲几乎无法辨认,同时希望眼睛看起来清晰聚焦(但他们没有)。他们归于Pastorino dei Pastorini是对这位有天赋,尽职尽责的奖牌获得者的伤害。熔融金属被不规则地浇注,产生了可怕的缺陷和大洞,尤其是在下巴和颈部,由于内部填充了另一种金属而有所缓解。可能来自同一个粗心的晚期作坊的是一个类似的半身像,没有羊毛,搭配一个穿着十七世纪服装的女人,曾经由宾夕法尼亚州布雷宁斯维尔的查尔斯·C·登特上尉拥有。[3]


1. ESDA/OF 成绩单的翻译。
3. ESDA/OF 中的照片。
介绍(英)The Calabrian provenance was furnished by Wilhelm von Bode, writing March 4, 1922, to an unknown addressee, possibly the dealer Edward Gans. It is to be taken with more than a grain of salt, as is Bode’s acceptance of someone’s proposal of Benvenuto Cellini (!) as the maker.[1]

Ottavio Farnese (1524–1586), grandson of Pope Paul III and duke of Parma and Piacenza, wears the insignia of the Golden Fleece on the cord around his neck. It was awarded to him by Emperor Charles V in 1547 but returned in 1552 after a squabble. The identification originated with Goldsmith and Raggio and seems correct on the basis of the great triple portrait of Ottavio and his brother, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, flanking the pontiff in the Capodimonte.[2] The facture of the bust cannot, however, date from the Renaissance, and is a reminder to tread cautiously when dealing with miniature busts of any century, for they can be produced at little cost and considerable profit, especially when portraying famous personages. Goldsmith and Raggio note the “impressionistic” modeling, which should have been a warning. Indeed, the modeler responsible got carried away wanting to capture the dash and “painterly” scumbling of a virtuoso, leaving the hair and armor virtually unrecognizable while wanting the eyes to seem sharply focused (yet they do not). Their attribution to Pastorino dei Pastorini is a disservice to that gifted, conscientious medalist. The molten metal was erratically poured, and horrid flaws and gaping holes resulted, especially visible in the chin and neck, somewhat mitigated by the filling of the interior with another metal. Probably from the same careless late workshop is a similar bust, lacking the fleece, paired with that of a woman in seventeenth-century attire, once owned by Captain Charles C. Dent of Breiningsville, Pennsylvania.[3]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Translation of transcript in ESDA/OF.
2. The identification of Ottavio in the painting seems to have been their main thrust.
3. Photographs in ESDA/OF.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。