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策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Chelsea Keramic Art Works【1872 至 1889】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1879 - 公元 1892
创作地区制造于: 美国, 马萨诸塞州, 切尔西(Made in: United States, Massachusetts, Chelsea)
尺寸5 1/8 x 2 9/16 英寸 (13 x 6.5 厘米)
介绍(中)休·C·罗伯逊从出生起就热衷于陶瓷,他以强烈的奉献精神和对实验的热情追求自己的工艺。他出身于一个受过训练的英国陶艺家家庭,在新泽西州磨练了自己的技艺,后来定居马萨诸塞州,成为切尔西Keramic艺术作品和后来的Dedham Pottery的创始人之一。罗伯逊一生对釉料的探索,尤其是釉料的颜色和质地,使他成为二十世纪之交美国艺术陶器的关键人物之一


这个花瓶和其他类似的花瓶标志着罗伯逊对亚洲陶瓷越来越着迷。许多美学运动的追随者被吸引到远东,尤其是波士顿人。该地区收藏了三大亚洲艺术品——威廉·斯特吉斯·毕格罗、爱德华·西尔维斯特·莫尔斯和欧内斯特·费内洛萨——但它们主要由日本作品组成。罗伯逊似乎特别受到乔治·华盛顿·威尔士收藏的中国陶器和瓷器的启发,早在1881年,就有72件瓷器被借给了美术馆。事实上,这些中国花瓶与罗伯逊自己的作品在同一个画廊展出,这表明陶工对材料非常熟悉。当然,博物馆认识到了这两组陶瓷之间的亲和力。罗伯逊偏爱芥末黄色、淡蓝色、蓝灰色以及各种深浅的绿色,展示了他对18世纪中国单色釉的了解。虽然许多巧妙投掷的Chelsea Keramic长颈花瓶都展示了有光泽的宝石色调釉料,但其他花瓶的特点是这种容器的表面非常特殊。仔细观察这些哑光釉花瓶可以发现,在釉料汇集的区域,如脚部和身体的结合处,以及花瓶的下侧,表面是有光泽的,但总体上看起来是不透明的,具有光滑的、类似羊皮的纹理。这些"暗淡"的釉料更加引人注目,因为无论是美国还是欧洲的陶工,都无法始终如一地达到这样的哑光效果
介绍(英)Steeped in ceramics from birth, Hugh C. Robertson pursued his craft with fierce devotion and a passion for experimentation. From a family of trained English ceramists, he honed his skills in New Jersey before settling in Massachusetts as one of the founders of Chelsea Keramic Art Works and later, Dedham Pottery. Robertson’s lifelong explorations in glazes, particularly their color and texture, make him one of the key figures of American art pottery at the turn of the twentieth century.

Glazes, an important aspect of the ceramist’s profession, gradually assumed a dominant role in Hugh Robertson’s career and even more so in a series of long-neck vases in the Ellison Collection. He often relied on transparent glazes in a limited range of colors — tertiary olive greens, blue greens, and blues — in a palette popular among Aesthetic and Arts and Crafts movement artists such as James McNeill Whistler and Arthur Wesley Dow. Robertson’s orchestration of hues and his concern with color for color’s sake were quite Whistlerian; indeed, a matte yellow vase in this series that was prized by the Robertsons was affectionately known as the "Whistler Vase." His elegant, Asian-inspired bottle shapes and his new colors date from at least 1877; Robertson’s gifts of his own work to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, from 1877 through 1882 help confirm when Robertson introduced the glazes. Vases described as having "gray blue" and "olive green" glazes were part of the 1877 gift. The 1878 gift record mentioned a vase with a "strong glaze" in "deep ultramarine blue," and the 1882 gift described another glaze as "dark blue green." The only dated bottle-shaped vase in the Ellison Collection, with a soft mustard-colored matte glaze, bears the incised inscription "Sep. 82."

This vase, and others like it, signaled Robertson’s growing infatuation with Asian ceramics. Many adherents of the Aesthetic movement were drawn to the Far East, Bostonians in particular. The area was home to three major collections of Asian art — those of William Sturgis Bigelow, Edward Sylvester Morse, and Ernest Fenellosa — but they consisted primarily of Japanese works. Robertson appears to have been especially inspired by the Chinese pottery and porcelain in George Washington Wales’s collection, seventy-two examples of which were lent to the Museum of Fine Arts as early as 1881. In fact, these Chinese vases were displayed in the same gallery as Robertson’s own work, suggesting the potter’s deep familiarity with the material. Certainly, the museum recognized the affinity between the two groups of ceramics. In his proclivity toward mustard yellow, pale blue, and blue gray, as well as varying shades of green, Robertson demonstrated his knowledge of eighteenth-century Chinese monochrome glazes. While many of the deftly thrown Chelsea Keramic long-neck vases display lustrous jewel-tone glazes, others feature the quite exceptional matte surface of this vessel. A close examination of these matte-glazed vases reveals that in the areas where the glaze pooled, such as at the juncture of the foot and body, and on the vases’ undersides, the surface is glossy, but overall it appears opaque, with a smooth, vellum-like texture. These "dull" glazes are all the more remarkable, as no potter, American or European, had yet been able to consistently achieve such matte finishes.
This vase is from the Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection of American art pottery donated to the Metropolitan Museum in 2017 and 2018. The works in the collection date from the mid-1870s through the 1950s. Together they comprise one of the most comprehensive and important assemblages of this material known.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。